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bucky barnes.

Bucky couldn't remember what his favourite colour was before the war and during his time with HYDRA, he could barely remember all the colours the world was splattered with. The only colour he could vividly remember was the dark red blood he saw far too often. It soon stopped when he escaped and moved into the Avengers facility; day by day he was re–introduced to new colours.

Becoming acclimated to the noise of his new team–mates had been harder. Tony would blast loud music from the lab, Clint and Wanda would sit themselves in a room to find a limit to Wanda's powers (they had learnt that Wanda was exceptionally good at picking up humans but avoided it), Sam was just loud in general. Bucky learnt how to avoid it all by locking himself in his bedroom and only exiting his safe place in the darkness of the night.

It was midnight the first time he had come across the newest member of the team. She had been wearing mismatched pyjamas and had faded purple hair tied into a pony–tail with a pink scrunchie. He watched as a friendly smile blossomed across her lips as she gingerly approached the former winter soldier.

"I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Sergeant Barnes. My name is Y/N. . ." She kept her voice to a whisper and as she held her hand out, Bucky noticed her nails first. The yellow that decorated her nails was chipped to show signs of wear and tear. He didn't say anything, instead he just shook her hand and wished her a good night sleep.

The second time Bucky encountered Y/N, her nails were a different colour. This time they were a dainty shade of pink; "it's not my favourite colour, but a young girl in the park asked if she could paint them and I didn't want to refuse" Y/N had explained, a soft smile on her face as she reminisced her calm day.

Bucky simply gulped down his water before heading off to the gym.

The third time he had encountered Y/N was on Steve's accord.

"C'mon, Buck! You really need to get it checked out if it's acting weirdly" Steve persuaded his best friend, dragging him to the lab where Y/N had holed herself up. Tony had left for a mission and it was down to Y/N to keep the lab tidy and experiments going. It had also been Y/N responsible for the general up⎯keep of Bucky's cybernetic arm.

"Hi, Stevie. Come on and take a seat" Y/N's voice was chirpy, a delighted look on her face as she welcomed in the two super⎯soldiers. She gestured for Bucky to hop up onto the bed and she focused on his words as the brunette man explained what had been happening with his arm.

His azure eyes honed in on Y/N's hands as she fiddled about with his arm. "They're blue this time. . ." he observed, watching the way Y/N's eyes lit up as he had finally said something to her. The nails were chipped, again, but Bucky supposed it was because Y/N had been busy.

Steve could sense the two were comfortable and decided his chaperoning duties were over and left the lab to return to the training room.

"How come your nails are always chipped?" Bucky asked, wanting to learn more about the girl. He nodded when Y/N explained it was because she tended to get nervous and nibble on her nails and that it also didn't help that she had a very hands⎯on job.

After that, the pair had formed a close⎯knit friendship and would often spend a lot of time together; usually in the lab but sometimes in each other's rooms. It was Y/N who brought colour back to Bucky's black and white world.

On a rainy Thursday night, close to midnight, Y/N had decided to calm herself down by painting Bucky's nails multi⎯coloured. He didn't resist and instead found himself falling more and more in love with the girl.

They both swore that there were rainbow fireworks during the first kiss. Butterflies erupted in the stomachs and afterwards, their cheeks hurt from smiling so much. And Bucky was unbelievably happy.

For he had finally found his rainbow.


SOOOOOOOOOO i really loved writing this. Y/N is very loosely based upon me as i was wearing odd pjs when i wrote this and when i began this, my fadedpurple hair was in a ponytail held together by a scrunchie. ofc you can describe it as whatever idm.

lots of love


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