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bucky barnes.

Sunday's were exclusively reserved for the team to have some necessary down–time after a hectic week full of missions, mission briefings and writing up reports. It just so happened that this particular Sunday was bleak and miserable — the weather not really doing much to improve the mood of anyone in the tower.

Y/N didn't seem to mind as she had curled herself up on a couch, The Martian book in her hands as she listened to the way the rain pitter–pattered against the huge window. A small smile blossomed across her lips as she thought of what her team–mates had occupied themselves with. Sam, Thor, Scott (who had invited himself over) and Wanda had been having a pamper session whilst Steve, Bucky and Natasha were in the training room.

It was hard for Y/N to ignore the chill settling in her bones so she decided to abandon her book and join her boyfriend in the training room. It had been Steve to notice Y/N first, giving Bucky the upper–hand in their sparring match leaving Natasha doubled over in laughter. Bucky grinned as he walked over to Y/N with open arms. "You're not usually down here pumpkin, are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"You smell gross, but will you come cuddle? I wanna nap with you" Y/N whined, pouting with puppy–dog eyes. The former Winter Soldier didn't say anything at first, so the girl formed tears in her eyes and sniffled; knowing Bucky Barnes would not be able to say no to that. "I suppose you're too busy again, that's okay. I'll be in bed if you need me. . ." Y/N mumbled, walking away from the scene with her head drooping.

"FRIDAY, play the sleep playlist, please" Y/N requested the A.I as she settled herself down into the bed she shared, curling into the blankets as the music began playing. Within minutes, her eyes grew heavy and Y/N was fast asleep. Bucky found her fifteen minutes later, her head on his pillow and one arm sprawled out of the bed. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before deciding to take a quick shower.

Less than ten minutes later, Bucky was out of the shower and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep with his perfect girl. "FRIDAY, don't let anybody in for the next three hours" he requested the A.I and smiled when he heard the electronic lock on the door buzz to signal it had locked.

"Oh, pumpkin. . ." Bucky mumbled, carefully manoeuvring the girl so he could climb into bed beside her.  He settled himself down and moved his hand to brush some hair away from his girlfriends face. Bucky knew the tears were crocodile tears but deep–down he also acknowledged the fact that he definitely had not been spending enough time with Y/N.

"'m sorry you don't love me enough to spend time with me. 'm sorry I'm not enough. . ." Y/N mumbled in her sleep and Bucky felt his heart crack at her words. He couldn't say anything at first so he simply settled with bringing Y/N's sleeping body closer to his before peppering kisses along her hairline. The movement had awoken the girl and she looked up at Bucky with her brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry, baby–doll. I haven't been there enough for you, I haven't been a good boyfriend to you. I just. . . don't want to overwhelm you with being around you so often and figured you need your space as well. Which you do, but you also needed me to spend time with you. You've been so good to me, pumpkin. I love you all the world" Bucky's words were well thought out and a sleepy smile blossomed across her peachy lips.

"I love you, all the Universe" her voice was tainted with sleep and Bucky just pressed a gentle kiss to her lips before they nestled themselves further under the covers. There the two of them slept, content in each–other's arms and letting time go past without a care in the world.

After all, nothing was better than napping on a rainy Sunday afternoon. . .

A/N wassup it's been a while. I've got a bunch of imagines in my drafts that I'm thinking about deleting bc they all frustrate me lmao. I hope you enjoy fluffy angst Bocky Buns xoxo

THE MARVEL BUNCH [ avengers imagines ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें