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I see the train coming and the adrenaline starts to kick in. It had been so long since I had taken the train, so long since I had had an adrenaline rush, so long since I had seen Tobias.
The train is now right in front of me and I start running. I jump and pull myself in after opening the doors. It was late at night, and it took a few minutes for my eyes to get used to the darkness.
This ride was going to Chicago, my old home, where I hoped everyone was. I wasn't sure, for all I knew, they could have moved from the city. What if they had all moved on from me? I feel as if it's been ages , but it's only been two years, and if you think about it , it's not that long. I close my eyes and force myself to get some sleep, because, if they're there or not, I'm gonna be exhausted by all of the emotions.

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