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After begging and begging Carl finally let me go with him. We were on the couch in his house booking tickets for the Lara hotel. We had to be there to get the drugs so we decided to stay there for a few days. We finally book the tickets. We are staying there for 3 days. I sneeze. "Bless you. You prolly are getting a cold."
"Yeah I kinda have a little headache too. But! That doesn't mean I can't come." I smile widely.

We are in the outside sitting area of the hotel. We've already checked in. "That's him and his wife." He points to a couple sitting down. "We need their room key. It would probably be in his wife's handbag." There is a black handbag on the floor next to the woman's feet.

Carl's pov
"Okay well I'm going to the toilet."
"Ok don't be too long." I watch as Melanie starts walking towards the toilet. She stops before the toilet and walks down the aisle the couple are sitting at. She continues to walk past the guy but she trips over the woman's bag. What is this girl doing? She trips and holds on to the woman's shoulder. "OMG I'm so sorry! I think a tripped." The woman looks at her and says "it's okay." Melanie gets up and drags the hand bag with her foot a little to the empty table behind. She sits on the chair behind the guys wife. "Good girl." I whisper to myself. She picks up a knife and starts looking at her reflection. Buts she's not looking at her own she's looking too see if they are distracted. She drops it on the floor. On purpose. She bends down to get it. But instead she is looking inside the bag. She rummages for a good minute before she sips it back up and pushes it back to where it was. She walks away slowly and when she's far enough away she starts running to me. "I couldn't find the key." She says out of breath. She sneezes again. "You alright?"
"Yeah I'm all good. It's probably in one of their pockets."
"The key. God, your really forgetful." She exclaims shaking her head. "Let's sit down." She finds a table and makes herself welcome. We sit in silence for a few minutes. "I got it!" Melanie shouts out suddenly.

Melanie's pov
I came up with the perfect idea. And it doesn't involve getting a key. "You got what?"
"Oh yeah. You know how the cleaners can just go into any room? Well I can pretend I'm a cleaning woman." I say smiling wide proud of my idea. "I'm not letting you do that." Dismissing me.
"Why not?"
"Because Mel these guys are dangerous. I just can't."

Word count: 469
*keep reading*
(Sorry this ones a bit short I have no motivation😩)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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