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Tears start welling in my eyes. "No." Is say abruptly and hang up the phone. I've lost my appetite now. Of course my dad hasn't got out early, he murdered someone for flips sake. That's literally life in jail. Who would call me and say something like that? Disgusting.
I stand up and walk towards the bin to throw my untouched food in the bin. As I'm about to bin it, it the corner of my eye I see a homeless woman begging for money. So why not give my food to her?

"Here I bought a spare one." I say holding it out. "Thank you so much! You are very kind, god will make sure you live a long and happy life" I stand there and smile. Sometimes the nicest people are in the most unfortunate circumstances. "Thanks! Enjoy your sandwich." I smile and walk away.

My phone rings again and I reluctantly look again. 'Blossom care home'. Urggghh! What do they want? I pick up the phone. "Hello." Kristine, the woman at reception, is on the other side. "Melanie we have cleared out a room for you, and all of your things are here." Omg I completely forgot that my suitcase was still there. "Well I've actually found somewhere to stay so I'll just come and collect my things."
"Sorry Mel someone over 18 needs to have signed a contract to stay somewhere else" Fuck. I forgot about that part.

I'm standing outside the care home scared to go in. I open the door and walk up to the counter. "Hey krissy, so I'll just go up and get my suitcase, what room did you say it was?" I say hoping she won't remember our little conversation earlier. "345."
"Thanks luv ya!" I over emphasise.

342, 343, 344. Ah yes 345 here we are. I open the room door and realise how cold it feels compared to an actual family home. The walls are white, all the furniture is dark brown, the windows have white curtains and the bed is really plain. My suitcase is on the bed, I grab it and get out of the room as quick as I can. Being in there reminded me of when my parents were first found guilty.
I couldn't stand it then and i can't stand it now. 
When I make my way out Kristine doesn't say anything, in fact she's on the phone. I take my chance and sneak out.
——————-10 mins later———————-
I'm halfway to the Gallagher house, my hand is killing me from dragging this suitcase. My phone dings. It's from Carl. How strange.
Carl😈: hey 👋 it's Fiona I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine with you staying here. You can stay for as long as you like!❤️
Me: thank you so much. Seriously I can't thank you guys enough, it's so helpful and it means a lot 😘💕💕
Carl😈: it's okay lovely 😊
How nice are these people? I can't believe it.

I approach the front door and Carl is standing there with a stern look on his face and his arms crossed. "Where were you?" He asks annoyed. "I went to get my things" I hold my suitcase up. "I broke up with Kassidy." He says staring straight ahead, not at me. "W-well are you okay?" I reply not expecting what he said. "I'm glad to get away from her." I nod my head and go in the house.

Someone grabs my arm. It's Carl. "Don't go." He mumbles. I decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. "I have too." I say firmly. He treated me like shit when I was vulnerable so I'll treat him like shit when he's vulnerable.

Carl's pov
Wtf. Oh I see what's she's doing.
She speed walks into the house and I follow her. "I know what you're doing" I confront her. "What am I doing? Because I'm pretty sure that I'm not doing anything." I didn't know this girl had an attitude I kinda like it. "Okay." I say going along with it. She puts her hand on her head and says "Look I've had a really hard day okay? Sorry for being rude, my heads not in the right place." There she is. I knew the anger wouldn't last long. She doesn't have it in her. But I'm intrigued to know what's made her so agitated. "What happened?" I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Do you mind if I get in the shower first?" She looks up at me and I nod. "Sure."

Melanie's pov
The warm water hits my back and I immediately sink down. My life is in shambles and I don't know what to do. The only people I can somewhat rely on are this family and I'm not even completely sure of that.

Word count: 812
*keep reading*

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