Chapter 1- We Are The Rebels

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"Shatter, you cant go! Who will lead the rebels?"

"Only if I don't return will you have to worry about that." Shatter replies to the 10 year old girl that had ran up to her."But in the case of me not returning, the rankings would move up. Second in command would become leader,and so on."

She kneels down in front of the girl. "What is your name?"


"Well, Lily, By the time your my age I bet you'll be one of the best rebels there is!"

"We all love you Shatter."

Shatter puts a hand on the girls head and genuinely smiles at her. "Thank you, Lily. Your a really sweet girl. This should have never happened to any of us. I'm getting ready for my speech, you go ahead and get a seat, OK?"


Lily goes to find her a seat while shatter goes to find her second and third in command.

'Little kids like that are what make me keep going.'

As walks onto the stage she looks out at the crowd of a approximately 900,000 people.

"Hello Rebel's. It's time you all know my plan! I am planning to enter the capital. There is a ten percent chance that me or my team will return.We will miss you guys. I love you guys. As you all know my sister is the Genesis. I have a feeling we will be fighting her, and those who see the Genesis, don't live to tell about it. She is no longer human, neither are any of the people outside the rebellion! Guys, I have faced off against Silvir before. I barely got out alive, and the only reason I got out was because of Frost, my second in command, and Shane, my third in command. We are the only ones to get face to face with her and live to tell about it.

"My team will consist of me, Frost, Shane, and the head scientist, Wynter. The smaller the group is, the least likely we are to be spotted. We will try our best to make it back. I love you all!" She waves to the crowd then walks back stage.

"Are you sure you can do this again Shatter?" Frost asks.

"Yea," Shane says wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Will you be able to kill the Genesis if it comes down to it?"

"That all depends on how I react if I see her."

'She's been through so much,' Frost thinks to himself.

"In this world there is no hope, we are just hanging on until we can find a cure or until we are all wiped out. The Genesis, Silvir, will always be my sister, even if she is not human. She still wears my sister's face. If they capture you guys. Don't let them take you alive. Plan B." She hands them each a syringe of a purple liquid. "Use this. It's deadly nightshade extract. It is enhanced to it kills painlessly. Much better than being turned into a Kiloni. Use it only as a last resort. If they paralyze you it's all over. You either need to get rescued, or your a Kiloni."

They both look at her and she smiles a fake smile.

"We will be fine. We might not make it out alive but we die with dignity, not being turned into a monster of the Revolution."

"Where is Wynter?"

"Probably in his lab. They're close to a breakthrough."

"Really!?" She jumps up and hugs them both. "We can save them all if they do this!"

"Shatter, you do realize that they might not be able to save them."

"I am aware, but just the thought!" She laughs.

'I've never seen her this happy,' Shane thinks to himself. 'But, she is still a kid. She was forced to grow up fast to take over the rebellion.'

"We leave at dawn," Shatter says and the boys nod. "Write down your history boys, because tomorrow may just be the end of The Great American Empire!" She gives them both a genuine smile then heads off to her bunk.


Meanwhile in the capital, Prince Kemp is in shooting practice.

"Aim the gun a little higher, my lord." His instructor says.

"Why do I have to be the one to take over the Empire, Langley?"

"Because you are Emperor Daryl's eldest son."

Kemp aims the gun at Langley.

"I could kill you right now. I could kill my father right now, and all this shit would be over!" Kemp yells, finger on the trigger. "Or I could just kill you and join the rebellion. Wouldn't that be something? The Empire's heir, joining the rebels? What would everyone think?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

"I think I will." Langley pulls out a gun and aims it at the prince's leg.

"Shoot and you will be filed for treason!" Kemp says smirking. "I on the other hand may do what I wish."

"But if you join the rebels, you will labelled as the prince who betrayed his Empire."

"If that is the price to pay for saving all those people then so be it. I know all about this little project of fathers, their weakness, their strengths, how to turn them back to human."

"How do you..?"

A loud bang echos throughout the training room and Langley falls to the ground.

"Goodbye Langley." Kemp says before leaving the room, taking the gun with him.


There's a knock at Shatters door later that night as she it getting ready for bed.

"Come in." She says after pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top.

An older man with white hair, named Feyril, walks in holding a tablet. He holds the tablet out to her and she takes it and looks at it.

"Royal Prince kills Master Langley!?" Shatter exclaims. "Kemp sure is against his father, huh?"

Feyril reply's quickly, "He's left the palace and all the weapons are missing. This happened about 2 hours ago."

"Thanks for keeping me updated Feyril."

"Your welcome Miss Shatter."

"Oh, Feyril, you don't have to call me that. Nobody calls me that."

"Alright." She hands him the tablet back and he smiles at her. "We might just end up with the young prince on our side.

"Yes, Yes I hope so. We could use him to our advantage."


'A cave,' the prince thought to himself as he walked though the forest. 'I'll sleep there tonight.'

He walks over to the cave and goes in. It's fairly large and has a nice looking spot to lay down. He lays down and falls asleep almost instantly.


And here it is! Chapter 1! What do you guys think???

Love all you rebels!

Picture is Shatter!


Genesis (Revelation Trilogy Book 1) ((On Hold))Where stories live. Discover now