Chapter Three

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Alex P.O.V

Em ended up leaving 10 minutes after her complaining about a casual, but not a too casual, outfit to wear to the welcome party. I left a few minutes after to find the showers to hopefully get one in with everyone out. I am not interested in getting a foot fungus around other people. I carry myself down the hall and down the stairs to the last floor. Steam was slowly coming out of bathroom doors as I swing them open. My nose was filling the smell of mold, and my hair was beginning to stick to the back of my neck.

I find a shower in the very back corner to toss my towel and extra clothes on the bench right outside the curtain. I hear light singing on the other side of the bathroom as I close the curtain and hope this shower goes quickly as I start taking off my clothes. The song, that is now being blurted out by the new bathroom star, is singing Walking On A Dream by Empire of The Suns.


I giggle to myself as I lightly sing the next verse, "We are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it. Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it." I start washing my hair as I sway back and forth as the singing continues.

The singing stopped abruptly and the sound of water being shut off followed right after. I'm shaving my legs in hopes that the hot water takes out my tense muscles. To my luck, I knicked both ankles from trying to balance myself shaving. Blood was making a stream down into the drain as my hands start to tremble from the haunting memory of two years ago.

My hand grabs ahold of the wall as I try to get the conditioner out of my hair while my breathing comes short. I can't breathe. I need to focus on what the doctor told me to do when I hit moments like this. In through the nose, out the mouth. I grab the knob to turn off the shower and struggle to wrap my towel around me as tears cloud my vision. Breathe Alex, breathe. I fumble for my things as I push through the curtain and stumble to the ground. I fall to my knees, making contact with the cold, wet tile.

"Whoa, are you alright?" A man with blonde hair drops next to me as I clutch to my towel around my chest.

Gasps and sobs are the only things that can come out of my mouth as I frantically nod my head yes. He grabs my arm and pulls me up to a bench near the sink as my wet hair sticks to his bicep. His other hand grabs onto his towel to throw over my shoulders as I shake. I need to get it together. I can't be doing this on the first day here.

"I-I'm fine. You can go. Really." My voice squeaks as I look up to meet his brown eyes.

His eyebrows are creased as he crosses his arms in front of him. Not buying my words that vomited out of my mouth. He shakes his head softly as a small smile appears on his hard features.

"I'm Jonah. And I'm sorry that my singing in the shower gave you a panic attack," He smirks as he bumps his shoulder with me.

A light chuckle leaves my mouth as the tightness in my chest begins to ease. I see how he's playing this. Thank god for another human being understanding a hard struggle when they see one.

"My room is C-9. If you ever want to hit a karaoke night, knock on my door and I promise I won't say no." He pushes off of his knees as he turns to stand in front of me.

"If you end up going to the welcoming party, I'll be there. But, beware, I am apart of the football team," He laughs, walking backward as he points to me.

"Don't forget about me. Especially now for being the definition of your Knight in Shining Armor." He gives me a wink and turns on his heels out the door. He definitely will not be letting that go ever if I ever end up meeting him again. Let's pray that I won't, considering these circumstances.

My breathing has finally come down to be normal as I realize Jonah left his towel wrapped around me, and my hair is now half-dried as I feel it stick to my lower back and neck. I turn to my clothes and begin tossing them on quickly as I remind myself I need to wash the dried blood off my ankles. All I need for the rest of the night is to text my sister, plug my laptop in, and not leave my bed for the next few days until classes start. The first day is not going as planned.

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