Chapter One

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Alex P.O.V

I can't believe I'm actually here. I never thought I would be standing in Washington from a small town in Texas. My cheer bag is continuously falling off my shoulder as I drag my suitcase behind me to the registration table.

"Hi, welcome to Washington State University! First and last name," an all too preppy blonde asks me as I get shoved 15 papers into my chest.

"Alex Morgan," I huff, trying to keep the papers from falling out of my arms.

I put the papers between my legs and quickly throw my hair up into a messy bun to keep myself from continuously pulling on it. I squeeze the papers tightly in my hand, waiting for the blonde to stuff my room key into my hand so I can finally sit down.

"Alrighty, here is your room key and a packet of the rules of the dorms. Here is also some more information on.." I grab the key from her hand giving her a tight smile as I turn on my heel following the map to my building and room number.

Dodging people as I wiggle my way through the crowds of students around me, I see my building and the three stories I have to climb with all of my things. I sigh as I tighten my grip and look down at my outfit I picked out too early in the morning. My checkered Vans with Nike socks, which I stole from my sister while she was asleep, my black and white Nike running shorts, and, as my usual top pick, my brother's old soccer warmup hoodie. I start up on the stairs realizing that it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would, and most definitely harder than I thought it would be too.

I round the corner to where my room is down the hall when I notice that boys are also wandering the halls for their rooms. I swear if I have to share a room with a boy... I stop in front of C-12 and unlock the door to slip inside. I press my back to the door and close my eyes taking a deep breath. Today should not be harder than I'm making it. It's just another freshman in college doing the same thing you're doing. Starting a new chapter and figuring their way around campus. I push off the door and throw my bags onto my bed to start unpacking. My phone buzzes. Seeing I hardly talk to anyone that isn't family, my only hope is that it's not my sister texting me about her socks.

Wilson: Hope you're settling in well. I miss you already sis.

My heart tugs at the text from my brother.

Everything is just going right now. Finally, get to unpack and enjoy my first nap of the day ;)

Wilson: Oh god, Alex without a nap... makes me glad we have 2054 miles between us now.

Ha. Ha. Now leave me be. I have a lot to do, and you're far from being helpful.

Wilson: Well don't miss me too much. Just don't forget that condoms are your friend in college!!

With that, I toss my phone onto the bed and start taking out stacks of clothes to stuff away in the small area we're supposed to call a closet. I didn't have much to pack with me, deciding I want to start off all fresh with a plan to go shopping for more things this weekend. It's only Tuesday so I know I can somewhat plan ahead for that disaster. To say the least, I'm most happy that the side I picked has the bigger window seat, and, a bigger bookshelf. My books are messily placed up on top so I can finish unpacking quicker.

The door to my dorm squeaks open to show a girl with a high ponytail, with a big cheer bag covering most of her frame, as she stumbles forward almost letting the bag take her down to the floor. The quick waddles to the bed has her huffing as everything on her flops onto her bed and the floor. She hastily turns towards me and sticks her hand out.

"Hi, I'm Em," She smiles big as I lightly shake her hand with a nod.

She fixes her crooked shorts before tossing herself onto her bed. I shuffle to my other bag to start putting my shoes away and other hoodies I couldn't fit in my first suitcase.

"Are you on Washington's cheer team?" She questions nodding towards my new bag I pulled out from suitcase number one.

"Yeah, I am. What about you? I couldn't really miss the huge bag almost taking you out," I laugh as she kicks off her shoes under her bed.

"Haha yeah, I am! I was so nervous I was going to get stuck with a boy roommate. That was definitely my biggest fear of moving here from Ohio."

I give her a nod while adding, "Yeah I felt the same way. At least now we can take turns setting alarms for practice." I shoved the last pair of jeans that were struggling to fit in the drawer. I check my other bags before taking a seat on my bed and looking at my new roommate for who knows how long.

"Well, what are you doing tonight? Are you coming out with the team to go to the welcoming party that's being thrown?" she grabs her green blanket and throws it behind her head before letting her ponytail pool to the side of her face as she lays back.

"No, I don't think so. I think I'm just going to stay in and get more settled. The car ride up here by myself was enough to keep me in for the night," I chuckle as I grab my pillow, placing it by the headboard.

"I probably should do the same, but I haven't gotten the chance to meet anyone on the team yet, so I'm hoping tonight I can make more friends and see where it goes." She smiles over to me, grabbing her phone from the top of her bag.

Even thinking about going out tonight makes my stomach tense at the thought. I'm not sure when I'll ever feel safe to go out, but hopefully, I can manage enough excuses to not stick out like a sore thumb from it. Em ends up asking for my number and other social media as she tells me more about her life in Ohio. She sure talks a lot, but I'm not complaining if it's going to keep the questions off of me.

"I probably won't be back till late tonight, so I'll make sure to keep my key on me so I don't have to wake you up." I give her a nod as I send a text to my mom letting her know I'm all unpacked and settled into my room.

"So what do you wear to a 'Welcome to College' party?" Em laughs as she rolls onto her stomach looking out her window.

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