Chapter Two

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Bentley P.O.V

"No mom, I'm not going out tonight. No, I won't be doing that either. Yes, I know. Okay. Yep, Okay. I'm hanging up now. Yes, yes, I love you too goodbye." I quickly hang up the phone with a sigh hoping I don't get anything for the quick goodbye.

I'm slowly carrying myself over to the registration booth to hastily grab my dorm room key and get all of my things put away so I can finish the book I couldn't put down on the plane. I'm hoping that it doesn't take long considering the number of people that are surrounding me. I may have a good 5 inches over everyone, but it doesn't mean I'm okay with the thought of so many noises going on around me.

I grab my key from the overly excited blonde who looks at me like she's undressing me, I nervously smile back as she looks like she's going to pounce, and take big strides up my building steps to make it to my dorm room C-9. My only hope is to not land a room with some girl that is too over the top and talks way too much. I push the key in and swing open my door to see my roommate, who is luckily a dude, wearing a muscle tee with Washington's football team logo on it. God, please don't let him be a meathead... He turns his head into my direction with a book in his hands.

"Hey, I'm Jonah. I picked this side if you're cool with it," He points to the right side of the room where all of his stuff is already put away.

I nod, "I'm Bentley, but you can just call me Ben. Are you going to the welcome party tonight?" I question, as I toss my bags onto my bed searching for my phone charger.

"Yeah, I have to. Since I'm on the football team I have to go and show school spirit I guess. If it were up to me, I'd stay in and finish this damn book. You wouldn't have thought these damn chick books would be so good." He spins back around in his chair and faces the desk as I look at the back of his head in shock.

I shake my head with a smirk and slowly start unpacking my bags.

"Are you planning on going out tonight?" Jonah asks flipping another page in his 'chick' book.

"No, I'm not. I'd rather stay in tonight and finish all my packing beforehand."

"Yeah, I don't blame you. I'm not really into the whole party thing, but being apart of the football team doesn't really give you much choice." He chuckles at his own words as he closes his book and starts grabbing some clothes and a towel.

"I'm going to go hit the showers and then come back to change. Nice meeting you Ben," He gives a wave before stepping out of our room.

Well, what to do now. I start grabbing my stuff and moving it all around in this so-called closet space. I poke my head out of the door to see if I can see a glimpse of any sort of snack around here for my later alone time while bingeing. To the left farther down the hall, I see a vending machine I'll need to remember that. I close the door after stepping back in and turn to my bed. I run my fingers through my hair hoping that my bags will start unpacking themselves considering that I flew all the way here from Texas. Coming from a small town you would think that maybe you would have fewer things to pack with you. My mom definitely thought differently.

I send a quick text to both parents telling them I'm unpacked and ready to lay down. After that, I send a text to my little brother letting him know he still can't have my room even though I'm gone now. I start scrolling through social media seeing everyone post about their moves for college and how they can't wait to get plastered tonight. Thank god I made it out of that small town called Marble Falls.

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