"We'll explain everything, okay? We need to get out of here before Maya reaches New York."


I pressed a hand to my chest. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to walk.

Chase slowly came towards me, and put his harm around my upper waist, careful not to touch the wound. I winced, but not at the pain.

His touch suddenly seemed so foreign.

Daniel led us out of the room, into a dimly lit hallway. As a man walked by, Chase pulled me into the shadows. Daniel ducked under the opposite wall.

When he was gone, Daniel and Chase got me out of the hallway as fast as they could. They led me into a room that was the size of a small gym.

"Where are we—"

"There's a small exit at the back." Daniel whispered to me.

"How do you know that?"

"Because this is an abandoned school." He explained. "And auditoriums usually have back doors."

Chase and I followed Daniel to the door but turns out it was locked. "What are the chances of someone hearing?" Chase asked.

"50/50." Daniel answered. "If it leads into the old meadows, we're good. Besides, it's raining, so I don't think anyone's outside." I noticed that both of them had bruised knuckles and tiny cuts on their wrists. 

"And what's the other option?"

"It could also lead to the alley in the front." Daniel said. "In which case, we're screwed."

Chase looked at Daniel, and then looked at me. "Fuck it." He said.

He let go of me and slammed his entire body into the door. The whole thing shook. He did it one more time, and the door burst open.

"Thank sweet Jesus." He muttered.

"Or me. You could thank me." Daniel said.

There was no one there. The door led into an empty field.

Above us, thunder boomed. "C'mon, let's go." Daniel said. He grabbed onto me and helped me out by taking most of my weight upon his own body.

The cold rain hit my body like tiny pellets. Under a minute we were soaked.

My shoes were drenched in mud and dirt. The fields were empty, mostly bushes and weeds.

"How'd you... escape?" I breathed.

"It wasn't easy." Daniel replied. "But Gregori's focus was on the drive, not on us."

The fields weren't your average large, square farms. They were built in the middle of old houses, in weird shapes that were the result of winding alleys and different land ownership.

When Daniel was sure we had got as far away for now, he led us to the back of an old shed.

I rested my back against the wall. For now, the adrenaline had blocked out the headaches and the pain. But I knew it would come back soon. And it wasn't going to be pretty.

"How long till Maya reaches?" Chase asked.

"Assuming they're landing at Skyport... another thirty minutes?"

"That's not enough."

"I know." He said. "Which is why we need Anderson to intercept them at the airport. If they land and they get away... finding her would be impossible."

"Is the bag still at the abandoned docks?"

"Yeah." Said Daniel. "It will take me ten minutes to get there. And I need to build an amplifier. In the rain, it will be hard to get the signal out."

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