2 ; The Beginning of Perfection

Start from the beginning

The facility, the bars, the mandarin, the dust, the lights, the vintage bricks, the rust along the walls, gadgets he's never seen- a wave just hit him in realization.

Was something that real really a dream? That was the only conclusion he could come up with, considering he was in his own dorm, in a bed.

Something about the dorm was very different though...

Very different. He looked around and notices the beautifully colored carpet, the perfect and large bed Jisung had always dreamt of having, the fairy lights hung above his head, the CD players and records along the walls, his favorite and most perfect color painted in patterns that appealed to his eyes and his eyes only.

And men. 7 men.

They all looked clueless, seeing Jisung's expression. They had no thought in their heads of how they should smile, when they should smile, or even question what's going on. It seemed like they didn't know Jisung and Jisung didn't know them. They all looked so helpless, standing in a clump right in front of the doorway.

"Where am..." he trailed off examining the 7 humans standing helplessly like some kind of animal.

But from their eyes to hip movements, their noses to lips, and their nervous breaths seeminglessly were absolutely perfect to Jisung.

One with a grayish hooded shirt wrapped around his arms and shoulders with dimples that flashed each time he made a confused expression and a nose shaped so cutely. He looked just as confused as Jisung with his eyes were widened and a dough shape.

Another with very fatherly and manly like features, a muscular body tone and face with eyes that looked almost as sweet as honey with eyes and lips that forced a curve each time he tilted his head like a bear.

Another one whose height was much different from the others, but it didn't seem to be a problem when noticing his dark but some-what happy charisma. He looked nervous but that made him look incredibly attractive as well. He had a sharp jawline that took form of his face and bangs that almost covered his eyes but just a slight glance up from looking down could make anyone's hear skip a beat.

One with a very handsome and attractive facial features and a glance that no one could fall apart from. His hair was almost like a mullet but it was incredibly attractive. He had glasses on that shaped around his perfectly structured nose and lips that were full but to the point where it's perfect.

The other with a pouty but adorable face. Just by looking at his appearance, he could see his beautiful fairy like smile. His nose was an adorable round shape and freckles laid across his face. His eyes also seemed to be a beautiful hazel and rare to find. He had the most beautiful white-washed face Jisung had ever seen.

Then another one of the men whose height was also a bit different, he was taller than the other men in a line as well. He had a long shaped face but it made him look adorable, almost like one of the idols he worked at the studio. He had a puppy like face and the moment he would scrunch his nose would be the most adorable thing. His hair was quite shaggy but to a point where it looked adorable on him, it really structured his face very well. He made really great eye contact with Jisung as well.

And then the last one who looked incredibly younger than the others. His hair wasn't dyed or a different color than the rest. His lips were parted and he almost looked like a child revealing his braces. He looked so cute with his hair almost covering his eyes, hiding how wide they are. He looked the most confused out of the 7 men. His nose shivered at the sight of Jisung's eyes landed on him. He looked nervous which made his heart skip a beat. He was absolutely adorable.

"Yah, look what you did, you woke him up," the tall one playfully hit the smaller one.

"WAH, it wasn't my fault," the small one growled at his hand.

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