The four, weapons drawn, stand guarding the institutes entrance,
"Don't move. Drop what you're holding.
Put your hands up." Alec says to the figure, who steps into the light, showing Raphael holding a lifeless Simon.
"Oh fuck." Indiana dry heaves before burrowing her head into Alec's stomach.

"People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter." Jace states once Simon is laid down on a table, in a room Indiana has never seen before,
"I'll go. I'll tell 'em we didn't find anything.
Nobody will come down here." Alec states leaving the room.

"I might be a vampire but I was raised a good Catholic." Raphael says, answering the unasked question of why he returned Simon's body to them,
"The vampires breached the Accords.
Killing Simon is grounds for war." Izzy states staring pointedly at Raphael,
"The vampires were not behind this. Just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own." Raphael explains to the group,
"She's dead." Indiana whispers maliciously at the revelation that her ex hook up had killed her best friend.

"And how do we know you're telling the truth?" Jace turns towards the vampire, angry with him for the broken look that had taken root on Indiana's face,
"I could have gotten rid of him, but instead I brought him here. I don't want trouble with the Shadowhunters." Raphael claims,
"Smart decision." Izzy says sternly,
"I warned the mundane to stay away but Camille gave him a taste of her own blood, and like an addict he came back wanting more." Raphael almost tries to defend himself,
"The only reason Simon ever tasted Camille's blood is because of you. You kidnapped him! You drug him to Hotel DuMort. You You delivered him to Camille!" Clary cries as Indiana blankly stares at Simons body, for the first time in her life, completely lost on what to do. How to feel.

"I never meant for this to happen." Raphael apologises,
"Simon. Simon, please come back, please!" Clary kneels sobbing as Jace pulls a broken Indiana into a hug,
"There is a way."
" 'A way' what?" Jace asks, Clarys head snaps to Raphael as Indiana pulls her attention to the vampire.
"A way to bring Simon back." Raphael continues,
"You can do that? How? How?" She almost begs
"He's a fledgling. It's a state of transition.
Your friend can be resurrected." Raphael explains as it clicks in Indiana's mind.
"Vampire." Is all Indiana says,
"Yeah he'll be a vampire and not the sexed up, romantic kind. The ugly, bloodsucking, coffin-dwelling kind." Jace continues for the girl.

"It's almost sunrise. Simon must be turned into a vampire tonight or staked through the heart." Raphael looks towards the twins as he says this, showing them that they have the choice,
"And if I do neither?" Clary asks,
"His soul will be trapped for eternity. You have till sunset to decide. The clock is ticking." Raphael clarifies.

Alec and Isabelle leave as the twins play Simons voicemail over and over
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. This is all my fault." Indiana stares blankly at the wall as Clary begins to sob
"If it weren't for me, Simon would have never even known about the Shadow World. He would never have been kidnapped by vampires. He wouldn't have met Camille-" Indiana never hears the end of Clary's rant, instead she turns to Jace,
"Stay with Clary." She begs as the pain of Simons death becomes too much to bear and she leaves the room.

Entering the institute Indiana runs into Alec,
"Hey, I'm sorry." Alec says pulling the Omega into hug,
"I need a distraction." Indiana almost begs,
Alec nods gently and they start walking through the institute only for the youngest Lightwood to join them,
"Alec, you think you could get my stele back?" Max asks his brother,
"They took it away because you nearly burnt down the Mumbai Institute." Alec states causing Indiana to hold back a smirk,
"How many times do I have to say it was an accident?" The kid continues,
"Look, Max. Somebody very important is coming to visit. All right? You think you can stay out of trouble for just a couple days? If you do, I promise I'll get your stele back." Alec says crouching down before the door open and Valentine walks in.

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