Lucy and Emmet

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The ride back from Systar System was a slow one as everyone stayed silent, it was so quiet you could hear everyone's heartbeats. They didn't find Emmet nor Rex so now they were traveling to Fynzruum, a city that Benny suggested. "Why are we going here again?" Unikitty asked. "We need gas and Fynzruum is the most closet planet." Mayhem sigh as the gas level blinked on and off. "How long have we been traveling?" Lucy asked, irritated by the lack of progress. Mayhem sighs heavily, "I don't know! Probably a few hours by now, who cares?!" "I care! You don't know anything about Emmet..." Lucy looked away. "What if he's happy being with Rex?! Maybe he was secretly miserable being with you!" Mayhem turns around and both women frown deeply. "G-Guys let's not fight, please? Emmet is okay and we will find him." "Yeah! What Unikitty said." Mayhem and Lucy mumble and focus on themselves. 

"Lucy, I was thinking, when we find Emmet and Rex what are you going to do?" Unikitty asked. This was a question that Lucy already knew the answer too, "I'm going to make sure that Rex is gone forever." "A-And how you plan to do t-that? M-Murder?" Unikitty shiver and slowly moved away from Lucy who had a weird smile on her face. "By killing him of course! What you said Unikitty." Benny says causally. "BENNY!" Sweet Mayhem and Unikitty yelled. Lucy just laughed for the first time in a while. 

"Emmet, you're safe!"  Lucy pulled Emmet into a tight embrace, scared to let go. "Couldn't have done it without your help!" Emmet smiled that beautiful smile as him and Lucy pulled away as Rex standing a few feet away had a hurt expression on his face. "Emmet? Emmet... you can't do this. Vest buddies?!" Emmet just laughs as Rex stood, mouth wide. "Rex? Rex who?  Thank you, Lucy, for saving me!" Emmet gave Lucy a quick kiss on her lip who gladly return the favor. "Before you go, Rex, let me just say... second time you getting forgotten!" Anger welled inside Rex's chest but he sighs and with a heavy heart headed back to his ship and travel somewhere far away. 

That's what Lucy's plan was and it should work but if not...Lucy doesn't mind getting her hands red. She's going to get Emmet back, she has too. "Lucy?" "Yes, Mayhem?" "I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to get mad like that." "It's fine," Lucy says not fully present. Mayhem huff, "Do you know why Rex is doing this? To you? To Emmet? Why Emmet?" Lucy now presents upon hearing Rex names sigh and sat up straighter. She fiddles with her hands in her lap trying to think of the right response. She knew she would have to tell them the truth going on an out of a surprise space journey trying to find Emmet and destroyed this Rex that only Mayhem knows about. Lucy took a deep breath in and out, "Rex is..." She didn't want to see the truth because that wasn't Emmet. "Rex is a...old enemy of mine, a broken reminder of my past. He and I never got along only because... I change him. I caused him pain, treated him like a child." 

"But he's lying right, Lucy? You never purposely caused someone pain." Benny asked. Everyone was leaning towards Lucy except for Mayhem who painfully kept her eyes on getting to Fynzruum. Memories played in her brain like a movie, each scene painful to watch. "I caused him so much pain... m-made a-a" Lucy slowly started to cry but kept on talking. "A promise with himself s-saying h-he would protect E-E-Emmet, that E-Emmet is..." A long pause as Lucy tried to calm down, "His."   It was silence afterward. A red and black planet came into view, "Fynzruum is up ahead, let's all just take a break, get gas and find Emmet. How does that sound Lucy?" Mayhem asked.

She's going to find Emmet and once she sees will be time. 

"Sounds Great."  

A/N: I'm just going to keep on popping out chapters. This chapter is similar to "Lucy and Rex" but now its "Lucy and Emmet", hope you understand the meaning behind it.  Thank you guys for your support and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next one uwu

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