My feelings for you are growing

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Emmet was on his side sleeping soundly while Rex was still wide awake. It has been years since he last been hold let along with touch and suddenly Emmet comes and does all of that. Was that really him in the past? It had been a few minutes since Emmet finally let go of him and Rex is slowly losing his mind. "Okay... what would a tough guy do?" Rex looked over at Emmet and felt dizzy all over again. Rex rolled over onto his side facing Emmet's back and gently, Rex ran a hand through Emmet's hair, " Your so cute..." he whispers then quickly sunk in his breath as Emmet rolled over, yawn, and then went back to sleep. "Cool guy...." He sighs and then sat up and stretch. "Why is it so hot in here?" He asked."Lucy" Emmet mumble and hearing that name again broke something in Rex for the first time in years. 

After the events of Dry-Ar and seeing his friends, his heart just sorta numbed himself. After that he never really felt emotions... just pretend he had them around Emily and Luke so he wouldn't seem heartless and cold. But again, Emmet came and something happened.... he felt emotions again. Happy, cheerful, and loved but Lucy... he felt emotions again but these spark different emotions. Angry, rage,  and sadness. Hearing Lucy name again...just... he snaps. His chest felt stuffy, his breath quicken, he felt hateful tears at the edge of his eyes. Lucy just brings emotions that even the war don't bring. "What's going on Rex? You're tough. Lucy is nothing." Rex thought as he slowed his breathing, whatever just happened before was gone.

"You okay, Rex?" 

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." 

"No no, you're fine. Are you okay?" 

"Me? I'm radical actually, go back to bed." Emmet smile and sat up on his elbows and kiss Rex lightly on his cheek. "Goodnight, again." Then he went back to sleep. Rex blush and lay back down and rolled onto his side. He closed his eyes and then slowly went to sleep. 

"Rex, stop, please. Let's drop this war and end this."  Rex laughs bitterly with a smug look in his eyes. Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi sigh, "I think I have a deal you won't resist,"  She smirks and Rex huff, "Let me heard this then, your already wasting my time." The sounds of the war played in the background, easily sounded like music to Rex's ears. The Queen moved closer to Rex and whisper in his ear and shared her deal as Rex slowly smirk, liking the deal. 

Rex soon woke up in a sweat and looked around him, his hair slick with sweat. "Fuck,"

Emmet wasn't with him.

A/N:  I slowly feed you guys Rex's past but you fully hear the whole story in his own book called "King"  that will be posted after this story is done.. if you guys want~ 

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