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A/N: So this story goes in the past/future and present, so the past/future is represented by italics and the present is in normal text.

"I can control my own ship!"

"But, I know everything about Space! Were traveling in Space!"

Sweet Mayhem and Benny continue to argue over who controlling Sweet Mayhem's ship. The ship was pretty cramped on the inside as Mayhem and Benny were fighting in the front seats with Lucy and Unikitty in the back seats. "We'll both control the ship then but I'm driving. Lucy, where we heading?" Mayhem asked, turn around in her seat and gave Lucy a warm smile. 

"You're never going to find Emmet, I'm keeping him." 

"You're treating him like a toy! Why are you doing this Rex?" 

Rex stops pacing in front of his ship and turns around to face Lucy, his eyes shine with a burning fury as his smirk hold confidence and pain, " So you can understand the pain I went through when you left me for five years! I watch you be happy without me... I thought you loved me but apparently, that was a lie. You moved on, everyone did! Like I said before, I'm protecting this Emmet by keeping him away from you." 

"But won't you disappear then?!"

"Nope, like you understand time traveling bullshit." Rex laughs and gave one last glance at Lucy before walking into his ship and then flying away just like that. 


"Earth to Lucy!"

Lucy looked up and notice all her friends staring at her with a worried expression on their faces especially Mayhem who looked she was about to cry. Lucy looked out her window and notice they were in the middle of Space, Lucy didn't recognize any of the planets or cities on them. 

"What is this place, Rex?" Emmet asked as Rex smile and ruffle Emmet's hair making Emmet laugh gently. "This is the place I was at for five years, it's called-"

"Dry-Ar," Lucy says with confidence but almost scared because she never has visions before only Emmet does. "Where's that?" Mayhem asked. "Just keep going straight toward that shiny light up ahead," Mayhem shrugs her shoulders, "If you say so chief." A few hours later and when the sickness pass, they arrive at Dry-Ar.

The place was damp and heavily dark as the group surveyed the area and saw no signs of Emmet or Rex or any signs of life.  "He ain't here Lucy," Lucy sighs as Unikitty rub her back with her paw. 'I thought... I saw... But Rex... What do you think Rex is doing with Emmet right now?" Lucy asked urgency filled her tone. Rex was a very unpredictable and unreliable man and he with Emmet could do anything and Emmet wouldn't tell the difference between it being bad or good.  "He's probably torturing him." Benny says casually as everyone stared at him with horrid looks of shock, "BENNY!" "Lucy, don't listen to him!" "It's okay, I just hope that ain't true thou, Let's head over to Systar System." Lucy walked away heading back to the ship. Mayhem laugh, "Now that's a place I know!" They all get back inside the cramped ship and headed off to The Systar System.

"You don't understand Lucy,"

"Emmet, I want to understand! I really do but you and Rex... I just can't improve. What about us?"

"There was never "us" Lucy!"

Lucy soon fell asleep, head on the window, dreaming about Emmet. 

Everything Is Awesome for you and me! (Rex X Emmett)Where stories live. Discover now