Chapter 6: We Meet Again

Start from the beginning

“Even so, I don’t bring none of them here. So like…yeah. Nice try.” I countered, shrugging. Yvonne rolled her eyes, not even responding, while Trevor pulled up his pants. I walked into my room and grabbed a towel to prepare and take my shower. When I walked out, I could hear Yvonne and Trevor talking, but couldn’t exactly make anything out. I simply just headed into the bathroom and began taking my shower. Once again though, Andre came to mind while I was in there. I wonder how it would be to fuck him in the shower…hmm. A man could only dream. But as fast as the thought had come, I instantly shook it away.

            Once I got out the shower, I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out the bathroom. I nearly ran into Yvonne.

“Ah, what the hell?” I almost yelled. Yvonne laughed.

“Sorry Dmitri, but uh. Me and Trevor were talking and I think I’m going to move in with him.” She said slowly. Anytime Yvonne talked about moving out in the past, I got insanely pissed. I liked that Yvonne lived with me, cause she was just so fun to be around and was the only blood family I had.

“Umm, why?” I asked.

“Because I’m over there all the time anyway. I didn’t even think you’d mind nowadays.” Yvonne said, placing her hands on her hips.

“What the fuck? You know I love you being here.” I said hurt. Ugh, how could she move out on me for him?

“Look, you know I’ll always be there for you. Plus I don’t want to cramp your bachelor lifestyle.” Yvonne said with a shrug.

“Bullshit. You’re not cramping anything because I don’t bring none of them niggas here.” I was getting annoyed. But as I stood there, just listening to her, I began not to care. If she wanted to go and live with Trevor, who was I to stop her? For once, I decided not to think selfishly.

“Another thing is…he wants to start a family.” She stated, smiling a little. I rolled my eyes. I honestly couldn’t believe my cousin was being like this. Like she’s only 21 and she already wants to settle? Couldn’t be me.

“Ok whatever. I guess I’ll support you in whatever you do.” I groaned out. Yvonne hugged me, which I wasn’t too thrilled to about since I was basically naked.

“Thank you Dmitri. I probably won’t be out till the end of the month. So don’t worry.” She assured. I shrugged. Regardless, she was going to be leaving me so whatever. After we finished talking, I went into my room and got dressed. Instead of dwelling on these thoughts of mines, I decided to get into something. I wasn’t planning on dancing tonight either, so I had a lot of time for things. Weird thing is, I’ve barely gotten any sleep but I feel wide awake.

            I had decided to head downtown and just look at the river alongside the Riverwalk. Honestly, I wasn’t always about sex or clubs. Sometimes I just needed to chill and be by myself. As much of a spit-fire I was, sometimes it was just good to be silent and say nothing. I still don’t give a fuck in general though. I saw no point in opening yourself up to other people. Once you open up to someone, they instantly become someone who can hurt you. It’s hard knowing that I’m so opened up to Brooke and Yvonne, because in all honesty, they can hurt me. Kinda like how I’m mad at the idea of Yvonne leaving me, but at the end of the day, she a grown ass woman and I can’t be selfish. If she’s ready to start a family with that Trevor, I support her. It’ll just be weird knowing she won’t be there anymore, and ultimately, the 2nd bedroom would become of no use. Maybe it was a sign for me to move, like Brooke had been wanting me to do for months now. But where would I move to?

            After hours of just looking at the water and walking up and down the Riverwalk, I began to feel real sleepy. It was only a matter of time before this would happen I guess. I started walking towards my car, but then I saw that guy. That guy from the other night! Andre? Ugh. For someone who doesn’t reside in Detroit, he tends to be here a lot. Wait, I remembered he didn’t stay in Detroit? Anyway, I couldn’t help but stare. It looked like he was laughing it up with some guy. Wasn’t sure who it was, but I didn’t care either. I buried my hands in my pockets and walked on past without looking their way too much. But something made me look back…I don’t know why though. The dark skinned dude he was with was fine as hell, and maybe that’s what had me staring. But it looks like it might be his boyfriend.

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