Chapter 9: Welcome to New Orleans, LA

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Love, Lexi. 💋

*contains adult language*
*contains adult sexual situations*
*mature audience only*
*credits given to the photo on top*

Chapter 9: Welcome to New Orleans, LA

Welcome to New Orleans, LA!

Is what the airplane pilot said over the loud speakers inside the crowded plane. I'm so thankful my father totally encouraged me to take this trip. I somehow convinced him my friends and I wanted to have some summer fun. But, in reality, I'll be spending time with Heiden Goldsworthy.

"You may now take your technology devices off of airplane mode," said the woman pilot. My body was over the edge because the flight was 3 freaking hours just to see him. . . You may be thinking, are you nuts?! Well the answer is yes I am for Heiden. Our communication is phenomenal he never misses a beat in my life. He's front and center of it. He's compassionate and patience sometimes he's everything I'm not.

As we landed safely and the aisle started filling with moodily passengers, I received a text message from my man. The text read:

Hey gorgeous are you already here? I'm so sorry it was a long flight I know I can make you forgot how long the flight was. We'll have a fun time! I'm leaving my house now it's 15 minutes away from the airport. I cannot finally wait for my body to be wrapped over you.

I quickly shot him a text message that read:

It was a long flight but I can't wait to see you. I'm getting my luggage now. I'm waiting for the grumpy passengers to finishing walking down the aisle.

Finally I was able to walk down the aisle and I wanted to thank the pilot for ensuring that we all made it safely. The cries of a baby wrapped in a blanket cried endlessly in the plane and out the plan. I quickly rushed to get out of there. Since this was my first real time being alone in the airport, I did my absolute best to remain calm and collective.

Because I usually travel with my family to either Puerto Rico or Dominican Republic. Since I was an adult now, I had to find my way which can be really scary sometimes. I followed the signs of where my luggage's would be at, and I totally forgot to text my parents that I've arrived safely! Jeez Alivia come on now.

I texted the both of them wishing they were here and that I was safe. I quickly but cautiously placed my phone in my back pocket. I noticed the quiet lady that sat next to me in the plane. I followed the older lady, and she told me that since we have the same flight airline that our luggages were placed together. I was happy to have someone new to speak to in this new journey of him.

I received another text thinking it was either of my parents or Axzul, but my assumption were completely incorrect. The text message from Heiden read:

After you get your luggage, there's an exit/ entrance way so I'll be outside of that. I'll be in a taxi car waiting for you.

I didn't reply back to his message but I did response physically to him. My response was a warmly light smile that spread across my reddish face.

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