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You had to get away from the chaos of the bunker. Team Freewill had managed to start the apocalypse again. And the was so much tension in the air. That you couldn't stand it. So you got in your (F/C) campervan, which needed a good run, and headed to the nearest beach.

~Time skip sponsored by the sexual tension of Dean and Cass~

You had missed the feeling of sand in between your feet, you felt like you were back home. Everything was in place and you started to put a fire together. When you heard a grunt, turning round you see Crowley leaning against your campervan. " Kitten, what are you doing out here?" He asked caring tone. " I couldn't stand being in there. Trying to figure away to stop it. The tension is unbearable as the atmosphere can change with in a minute. Plus I can't get a decent night sleep with the yelling matches between them."  While you ranted to him he sat next to you and put his arm around. As you lean into his side.
"Next time don't go off all of a sudden. They are worried about you, Kitten. They thought I kidnapped you. Luckily I told them that you were with me in London." He replied as he kissed top of your head. After a couple of hours just sitting together talking, he was about to go and get dinner the pair of you. You told him to stay put and rummaged through the campervan, as if by magic you produced hot dogs, marshmallows and sticks. He looked confused of what you were doing as he only ate fancy food. This was a novelty for the King. But he soon came to terms with the concept of cooking food on the fire.

"Crowley, you remind me of a  burnt marshmellow." You told him, it didn't help that you were drunk.
"Why do I remind of a burnt marshmellow, kitten?" He asked questionably.
"Cause your tough on the outside but your on the inside" You exclaimed to him while putting your arms around him.
" Time for bed I think." He chuckled as he kissed the top of your head. Crowley lifted you into the campervan. Before he got in, he put the fire out. Soon the pair of you were snuggled up together.

The next morning you woke up and Crowley wasn't there. Your phone was ringing, you swore you turned it off when you got to the beach. It was Cass, so you explained to him what you were doing and Crowley was with you. After the call you got dressed and opened the campervan. You put the fire on to boil some water for coffee.
Once you had made a pot, Crowley had  reappeared with breakfast.
"The only place I could find was a Gas n Sip. Breakfast won't be that great"
"But the company will be you" you replied with a smile. Crowley pulled you into his arms as you said this and into a kiss. Which turned into a make out session. You were one to break the kiss.
"I need to eat, Crowley." You said as he tried to pull you back in. He pouted as you started to eat your breakfast. You just smiled at him and in return you got the puppy dog eyes. Once you were finished, Crowley didn't hesitate with starting the kiss again. You hadn't realised you were back in the campervan........
~Time skip because I am super lazy~
It had been almost a week since you got away from the bunker. You and Crowley had agreed last night you would head back today. You woke up before him. After you had packed up, Crowley arose from his slumber.
"Morning lazy." You said to him as you stuck your tongue at him.
"A king needs his sleep, Kitten. Anyway we should start heading back."
"Wait a minute demons, don't need sleep. You made me do all work. You are really lazy."
" Well I can not get my hands dirty over some meaningless stuff, darling."
"Well you can drive for that." And so with that the pair of you went back to the bunker.
Author Notes
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. May of forgotten about my account* looks around nervously*.

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