Chapter 1

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Third Person p.o.v

"Lan Zhan... LAN ZHAN!"

"Wei Ying... WEI YING!"

Both males sit up at once,looking around in their own bed rooms. They drop their heads when they realised that they are in their own rooms.

Wang Yibo p.o.v

"Wei Ying... WEI YING!!" I shouted an unfamiliar name as I sit up.

I sit on my bed as I stare into the space as I try to remember the dream I had. A male standing infront of me , blowing into a stick that seems to be a dizi , a chinese instrument that works something like a flute, the male blows a rather familiar melody as black smokes surrounds him.

The next moments I saw the dream , the male was falling off the cliff. The male looked like he was in a traditional clothes.

"why am I having this kind of dream? Probably it is because I watched too much drama..."I say, shaking my head hardly. I turn to the side of my tables, picking up my phone, "what?! It is only 3 in the morning?! *sighs* Another sleepless night..." I have been dreaming about this dream for 3 weeks already. I will always wake up shouting this name 'Wei Ying', the dream is always the same, a male falling off the cliff. But the weird thing is that it feels too real to be a dream. I thought. I better go and get some sleeping pills in case, I mean I can't go having sleepless night for one year or more. I thought before nodding to it.

I just shake it off, getting off the bed to get ready even though it is just 3 in the morning.





After finishing my morning routine, I walk to the kitchen, grabbing a piece of bread and when straight back to the room, to continue what I left out yesterday.

I am now creating a song that came to my mind out of the air. I still have not decided what I should name the song but I guess I will think of one soon.






The phone suddenly ring, scaring me a bit because I was too concentrated. "Oh shi-...oh my god that scared me!"

I pat my chest to calm down before picking up the call.


"Morning Yibo!" A loud and energetic voice rings into my ear. I immediately move the phone away from my ears before putting it back.

That voice...THE MANAGER!!

"A-ah yes Mr Lan? Is there something important?" I question him because Mr Lan normally does not call me in the early morning.

"Haha you sure know me well!" The manager laughs loudly through the phone.

He sure really does not know how to speak in normal tone...I thought to myself,pulling phone away again and back to my ears.


"Okay, okay I will get to the point, you have been select to audition for a new up coming drama."

"Okay... so where would the meeting be held at?" I answer without think but immediately realising what I just said.

WHY DID I SAY THAT?! I scream internally , regretting really badly. B-but something is telling me to agree.

"Yibo are you there?" A voice cut through my thoughts.

"H-huh? A-Ah sorry I did not hear what you say... can you repeat it?"

"*sighs* the meeting will be held in the company main 1 meeting room, timing 3 pm , the meeting will be tomorrow. Please be on time! Alright I have to go."


*sighs* I place my phone on the table back. I slide my chair to my side drawer and takes out a small square post stick note, sliding back to the table, writing down the information. I pull the paper out a sticks it on top of my laptop.

"Tomorrow..." I say as I log off my computer, closing it, getting ready to go to the dance room to practice.

End Of Chapter

Yeetttttt hope you enjoy the story.

for this story i won't post as offen as the other one because i am writing a few more other story, hope you understand and i have studies to focus on too.

I love you, Wei Ying come back to me (The Untamed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang