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Nick Fury is a simple man. He didn't ask that much, and if he did, it would be The Avengers' jobs to follow it. But this time, they regretted ever agreeing on doing this mission.

He had given them a task. He had showed them a hydra facility. It would just be like their last missions. The building would be deserted because everyone had already fled. They would search for valuable information and then destroy the rest. Set fire to the labs and get back to The Avengers' compound.

Attack it, he said. This time, the building was very recently discovered. It had been well hidden. Hence why hydra thought they would be safe. And even if they were attacked, they had their technology with them.

The Avengers were all suited up. Everyone was fully armed and prepared for a hard mission.

So here they stood, in front of an old building. Only, there was this slight problem. Of course, they were already informed about the rabid dogs Hydra used as guards. But as they looked at the scene in front of them, they were sure as hell not rabid dogs. Granted, blood was everywhere. And the dead soldiers lying on the ground didn't exactly die peacefully, seeing as their throats were almost ripped off and some head were lying not so close to their bodies.

But as they looked up at the window, that was covered by more blood, they saw a female body pushing the man against the window as she bit into his neck. The screams of her victim rising as each second passed.

The Avengers were also informed about the woman. The story only let out this minor detail and that was that she was in fact alive.

And that woman who was currently savagely drinking from another agent, was their soulmate of each and every person standing there.

The story goes like this; when Bucky was in the training room with the other 5 super soldiers, a woman passed through room. He had already stopped the combat training as a small tingling feeling was rising from his inner wrist to his heart. Meaning his soulmate was near.

At that moment, Lucille was carried inside, but he couldn't see her face. Though he could see the blood dripping from it onto the ground. As Lucille swayed, being nearly unconscious in the guards' arms, he had a clear view of her face. He saw three big slashes. Knowing his boss, they would heal nicely. When they carried her away, Bucky couldn't do anything.

The next time he saw her was much later. All this time, he couldn't ask about her. He couldn't risk them knowing they were connected by Fate. It was 2 years before he escaped.

He hadn't seen her in all those years. It was like she didn't existed.

She sat on the same chair he had sat on just a few minutes earlier. She was screaming and tried to resist the memory wiping. Cursing in a language he did not understand, but knew it was French. She was fighting off 20 men, and she was winning. But when they held a blood bag in front of her face and she immediately quieted down.

She could only see the blood, all her senses were focused on it, she didn't even react to the memory wipe. And when they were done they gave her the blood. The officers talked to her while she drank it with big gulps.

One of the men tried to take the bag away but she bared her teeth. Bucky froze. No, not teeth, but fangs.

She hissed at them and her eyes turned black with veins underneath them. The men replaced it with another bag and she drank from it contently.

The officers harshly pushed him and he continued walking to his room. He wondered what she was. Vampire, he thought. It was the only reasonable explanation. She had fangs and drank blood, and she was really, really strong.

The third time he saw her was while training. The super soldiers were training as usual but this time the unknown woman joined them.

As they were fighting with each other the woman was just standing there, not doing anything. Most of the guards were looking nervous, because they didn't want to interfere. Although there were 3 guards who were looking pissed as she didn't listen to their commands.

The blond guard warned her and said she had to start training or otherwise she would have to be punished. She looked at him unamused and said: 'try me, you ugly toerag.'

Her voice was laced with an accent. French. She was French. He remembered. Even with all the memory wipes, she was a constant in his mind.

Their reaction was immediate. One of them took out a blood bag and held it before her face, it distracted her. Blood gave her strength but it was also her weakness.

She didn't notice the blond behind her as he injected a yellow serum.

Her eyes fluttered closed but she opened them again with much effort, only this time they were black. She growled lowly and turned around the attack the blond.

The man with the blood bag took this as his chance and broke her neck. Something in Bucky's heart broke as he watched her fall. But he knew he couldn't do anything.

After his escape and after he fixed his mind in Wakanda he was allowed to live with the Avengers. He was one himself now too.

And one time they were training he saw that he had the same mark as the rest, a sunflower.

He felt sad for them, as for himself. Their soulmate had died a long time ago.

That night he had told them everything he knew about her, which wasn't much.

The Avengers looked at the house and then to each other. They shared a look. Could it be her?

Their thoughts were interrupted as another loud scream was heard.

They slowly entered the building, to their soulmate.  

Hi! I hoped you liked this chapter! 

Have an incredible day!

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