Chapter 4: "Questions"

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As a laid there in my numb state my mind kept traveling back to when the fire started. I remember dad telling me he'd meet me outside. I remembered the smoke and how it plugged my lungs making me dizzy. I didn't know where I was going, the last thing I remember was cold wind hitting my face and me falling into darkness.

My eyes fluttered open and i lazily glanced around the ceiling. It was grey, my ceiling was blue. My entire house was blue. Was i in a hospital? I moved my hands slightly, feeling soft sheets under my fingers. I eased up and looked around. I wasn't in the hospital, I was in someone's room, in someone's clothes! Oh my god! I thought.

I was starting to get up when someone entered the room. He paused and for along time we stared at each other.

"Who the hell are you? " I blurted out. I say him slowly put down the tray he was carrying in his hand.

"Ok calm down, my name is James Valentine, I found you in-"

"You found me! What the hell are you talking about? Where's my dad?" I started to get up but ended up slumping back due to the pain in my shoulders.

"You should really be resting" James said

"Where is this place? Where is my dad?" I asked suddenly feeling dizzy

"Listen ill answer all you questions later but first you have to drink this ok" he said bringing the tray over to me. He held what I guessed was tea to my lips and I took a sip, then another. I finally laid back down and soon after feel asleep.

I awoken what I suppose was hours later to the voices of two ken arguing.

"So what the hell are you gonna do with it?" I heard one ask

"Its not a it, its a her I am still thinking about that" I heard James reply

"You know your d as ds gonna be here in two days, and yoy know he's gonna want you to visit the URSULA with him"

"I know Kevin just-"

"What's going on?" I asked them, the two spun around quickly.

"Oh my URSULA" I heard Kevin say as he started to back away

"You shouldn't be out here" James said and started to usher me back into the room

"What the hell are you doing I want to go home" I insisted refusing to budge "and if you two think you can kidnap me and get away with it you have another thing coming, the police b will find you and-"

"You cant go home" I heard James interrupted me saying

"What the fuck are you talking about.....oh my I'm being trafficked!!!" I thought and started to panic.

"No you're jot being just cant go home"

"I don't understand isn't this Washington D.C., United States of America??" I asked I was so pissed off, do they thinks this is a joke?

"Yes this is Washington D.C" James replied

"Then I am in the right place" I said

"Yes're in the wrong time.

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