Game Plan

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" Oh my god!.....oh....oh my god" I couldn't stand, I felt dizzy.

" Are you ok?" James came over to me. I shook my head, tears coming to my eyes.
" He did this" I said unbelieving my own words, " Its all him, he created the virus". It was like I was hit by a tornado, I started shaking, I felt James hug me tight

" He's a monster!" I cried, my breath catching in throat. I rocked, James rocked with me.

"I am so sorry Thalia" I heard Kevin say

"You know what I think?" James said after a while

"What?" Kevin asked.

"I think he was selling it" I looked at him

"Selling Ephilum? To who?" I asked

"Other countries!"

"That would explain the transactions from the other countries!" Kevin agreed. James nodded.

" But which sick twisted person would by a virus that wipe out the entire female population?!" I asked angrily.

"There are some messed up people in the world" Kevin suggested.
I sighed, exasperated and walked to the other side of the room frustrated.
"What if it wasn't a virus" James said after a while

"What do you mean" I asked looking at him

"What if it was cure that just back fired" he answered. I eased off the wall and started pacing.

"That would make sense, I believe people would by a cure rather than a virus....but there is still something odd about this"

"What?" James asked

"Cromwell is the president of USA, even years after the Ephilum effect, don't you think its a little to convenient considering the circumstances and also the fact that we now know he created the virus?"

"That does seem strange" James agreed
"Hey what if he knew it was a virus but just didn't tell the people he was selling it to!" Kevin surmised.

"But there must have been countless creditable scientist who could have drawn that conclusion in your time Thalia" James acknowledged.

"Yes, but what if it wasn't credited!.... What if he sold it on the black market?" They both looked at me questioningly

"Well he would have to be a damn good sales man to have that big of a demand and a lab to supply that amount for so many countries" James said

"True" I agreed, " wonder what his connection were" I thought out loud. My mind felt like it was going to explode, all these new theories and findings...

James took my hand
"Don't worry " he said looking at me, then at Kevin. "Were gonna find out, together"

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