Chapter 2

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Kate's POV

The blonde haired one Jack Johnson came up to Nash and said

"Dude we didn't know you and Hayes had a sister she's hot!"

"Back off she's only 17" Nash said balling up his fist

I went over to Nash and he said

"Look I don't want you getting hurt or anything and stay away from some of them ok you just don't know"

I replied with an 'alright' but didn't really listen

A boy with brown hair came up to me wearing a bandana. it was a blue one

"Hello I'm Taylor Caniff, your brothers close close friend and I never new he had a cute sister?" he said then threw a smirk

"Thank you, your not too bad yourself" I said

He smiled then I saw Nash coming over but Hayes pulled my arm

"Stay away from Taylor he does by things to girls like you he will have it with you then leave you that's what he has done to 3 girls already... so just you can talk to him but know kissing ok?"

I walked away rolling my eyes.. i really like this dude.

Some one else came up to me it was Cameron Dallas.

"Um hey I'm um Cameron Dallas" he said stuttering

"Yea I know who you are" I say then smile

"You do?"

"Yea my brother talks all about you and by the way ur a cutie" I say and walk off

He smiles..

"Kate!!! Kate!!! Come Here!!!" Nash yelled

"What?" I said

"Someone wants to meet you!"

I wonder who?

I get down there and it's FRICKING AUSTON MAHONE!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE HIM!!

"Hello Beautiful" he said his voice is hot

I calmed my self down..

"Hey im Kate Grier" I say

"I know" he said "your brother got me here bc u love me.." He also said

He blushed

Then I said..

"Yes, yes I do"

"Well, in that case do you want to go out sometime?" he said

We exchanged numbers and he left.

Mahogany came up and told me we needed to go shopping some times.

I told her 'yea tht would be great'.

I saw Cameron talking to Aaron Carpenter omg them are my favorites!

So I went over there.

"Hi!" I say

"Hey!" the yelled

We laughed then Cameron said

"Um can I have your number?"

"Yea sure" I say

"UM ME TOO!" Aaron said

"Ok.." I laughed

"Ok text us later" they said

When I walked out I saw cameron and Aaron doing the Nae Nae and I video them..

I sent it to them then they looked and I waved.

I love this place already.


Sorry it's short bye now!!! 😘

Vans, Penny Boards, & Cameron Dallasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن