Chapter 3:

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           The white mouse stands there next to her sister with a 'i regret come here' face. Cause everytime Olivia and doc try to explain the situation to him. He just like doesn't know we are exist. She doesn't annoying him, just don't really like the way he acts. He starts to guests that Mr Dawson is a doc, and explain it to him why can he guests all of it so true. But the white mouse just make a poker face.


        Your POV:

          Ugh, this is hard to explain this important and serious situation to him! Now he just depression about the case that 'another one die' or 'another dead end' and play his violin. He is the type playing violin when he depression huh? But i rather play piano when i am depression. I make a palm face cause don't know what to do! Cause he won't stop playing. I look at Olivia who is come closer to the depression Basil. 

         "Now please listen to me? My daddy is gone and we all alone!" she says as she hint a little sad in her voice. I just stand there watch the conversation to see what is gonna happen next. He turns to Olivia with the most depression on his face, still playing his violin. "Young lady, this is the most inopportune time" he stops at the moment to answer her. He turns away and starts to play his violin....again.... Olivia right now make a puppy eyes which is adorable. Yes, i am affect of puppy eyes. 

          He turns his gaze to Olivia, annoying the fact that she is interrupting HIS inopportune depression time. "Surely your mother over there know where he is!" he answers her with annoying tone with a glance to me. Wait....I am that old to everyone to think that i am HER mother instead SISTER!!!????. "Wait wait wait.... I am not her mother, i am her sister mister Basil. And we don't have a mother." i answer politely. He sits up quickly and makes a squeeze at the violin. "well....uhm..then perhaps" he shuttered, doesn't know what to say. 

        Then he becomes back to his normal impression and says kinda rudely. "See here, I simply have no time for lost father" he says rudely. And turns his head to the side of me. Now i have to stand for her right now. I am her sister after all! I come to him, and put my right hand on my hip. Look at him coldly. When i am serious of course. Olivia seems doesn't like that fact. "Listen here mister detective, we weren't lose our father. He was been captured by the bat" i say to him a little rude but he seems like he doesn't care about the rudely in my voice. He just seems a little hint of surprise?

        "Did you say a bat?" he asks as he leans to me. Well, now my face and his just a little inches. It's kinda awkward. "Y-yes indeed." I answer him as i cross my arms. "Did he have a crippled wing?" he asks as he turns close to Olivia with exciting tone. "I don't know. But he has a peg leg!" Olivia answers happily. Basil climbs on his armchair and makes his hands to the air, but the violin still in his hands. I giggle a little then back to my normal face. 

         I walk next to Olivia as Mr. Dawson comes right up between me and Olivia. "I say do you know him?" he asks as i look at him then back at Basil. Basil jumps up on the highest with a brightest impression. "Know him? That bat, one Fidget by name... of the very fiend... who was the target of my experiments!" he says excitedly. Mr Dawson looks at him, surprised. I still make a poker face which doesn't show any kind of feeling. "The nefarious Professor Ratigan!" he exclaims as he points to the pic that has a chubby fat mouse with a deviously smirk on his face. The fire burning brighter make it looks bit scarier. 

       He looks at Basil, confused. "Ratigan?" he asks. Basil from behind his chair jump on the chair with excited impression. "He's a genius Dawson. A genius twisted of evil." Basil says. He gets out from the chair area and walks to us. "The Napoleon Crime!" he exclaims as the lighting storm makes more brighter. "As bad as all that eh?" Mr Dawson asks. "Worse! For years I've tried to capture him,.." he talks behind us which i don't notice make me jump....a little. His hair is messy right now. "I've come close, so very close..." he says as his shadow comes closer to the pic of that professor Ratigan he had say earlier. "But each time, he's narrowly my grasp." I look at the picture then turn back attention to Basil.

         "Not a corner of London's safe while Ratigan's at large. There's no evil scheme he wouldn't concoct... no depravity he wouldn't commit. Who knows what dastardly scheme..... that villain maybe plotting....even as we speak" basil says. Wow, that person it's very evil, i assume....


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