2: Fine Then!

Depuis le début

He chuckled loudly and pulls me back to our seat without removing his arm on my shoulder. I don't mind though, "Here's your cheesecake Hae," he put down a paper bag in front of me with the logo of my favorite café. I cannot hide my happiness anymore, "You are the best!" then I round my arm on his waist and lean my body on his chest.

"Whipped" –Kyuhyun

"Amen to that!" –Ryeowook

»»————- ♔ ————-««

3rd Person POV

Either Donghae or Hyukjae was able to eat lunch together today because 1, Hyukjae is busy with the hazing team and 2 because Donghae needs to meet his deadline.

It's only 2pm and Donghae knows that hazing isn't done yet. He also knows that he needs to finish his composition because the submission is tomorrow but he cannot think of anything. He pulled his hair, "Why now?? WHY WHY WHY!!!" he yelled loudly inside the classroom. His classmates learned not to bother Donghae when he is frustrated. He is crazy, no need to make him crazier.

Heechul and Ryeowook abandoned him again because 1 Hangeng has dance practice and Heechul is acting like a good boyfriend and 2 Ryeowook got a VIP pass and backstage pass for Super Junior's concert today because of his boyfriend.

Donghae is having his writer's block which means bad news, "I CANNOT THINK!" he yelled again and this time banging his head on the table making a loud sound and it hurts a lot but he wants to knock his head—literally.

He peaks in his phone again and click the home button. His background is his and Hyukjae's selca while Hyukjae was hugging his from behind and he is holding a cake with 'Happy Birthday Hae!' on it. It was taken during his last year birthday.

"Only 2:02pm—" he mumbled before sitting up straight again and looking at the blank paper in front of him. The theme this time is about family.

Donghae sighs deeply again before grabbing his phone and opening his kakao application. First on the list is Hyukjae, second is his friend's group chat and a bit on the 5th spot is Sungmin.

Lee Donghae: Where are you?

Lee Sungmin: Are you looking for Hyukjae? We are in the gym.

Lee Donghae: Ok!

He grabs all his belongings but carries on his hand his blank music notebook and his mechanical pencil.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

Donghae jolts when he opens the gym's door slowly, "50 PUSH UP DRILL!! NOW!!" that's his childhood friend's voice. He doesn't want to bother the hazing.

Speaking of the DevilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant