"But...you  are Spawn..."

You blinked again, staring at Herobrine incredulously.

"I'm actually not. I have parents."

Herobrine's eyes widened.

"Parents? No. You have to be adopted, right? You know that, right?"

"Herobrine, for the last time, I'm not Spawn! I have parents! Biological ones!"

Herobrine looked away, a thoughtful expression on his face. You turned your head to see him better, putting your hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?"

"That doesn't make sense. Are you sure you have parents?"

His question took you off guard. You shook your head.

"Yes. Dude, why are you so convinced I'm a Spawn?"

He looked back at you. He reached over and poked your stomach. You raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have a belly button?"

You sighed in annoyance. You lifted your shirt slightly.

"Yeah, you don't have one! Look."

You looked down and rolled your eyes. Your stomach was smooth. No sign of a belly button. You sighed.

"It's a birth defect. Happens all the time. It means nothing."

You pulled your shirt down and crossed your arms. Herobrine squinted at you.

"Birth defect? Seriously? You actually believe that?"

You huffed and nodded.

"Uh, yeah? A doctor told me himself! I didn't grow up around a bunch of liars!"

Herobrine stared at you with his brow furrowed. You looked back at him. Herobrine was quiet. You felt like you won the discussion until he spoke again.

"...what else did people tell you?"

You blinked and stared at him. His eyes were unblinking and bright. You thought for a moment. You sighed.

"Listen, dude, I wasn't surrounded by people telling me about who I was because I already knew. I was born to two parents, but they died shortly after. I was then taken care of a lady from another village when she found me looking for help. The rest is history."

Herobrine stared at you in disbelief. He crossed his arms.

"Y/n...that story has so many holes in it. You're saying it's all true?"

You nodded.

"Of course. It's the only story I have."

Herobrine sat back further and looked away. You watched him turn as you sat silently. A quiet air washed over you both. You took a deep breath.

"Okay. So maybe I don't remember my parents. But my caretaker did. She told me that she knew my parents. She told me they were dead. She took care of me. I trust her with my life."

Herobrine turned over and looked at you. You stared back as he pointed towards your stomach.

"You were lied to. Belly buttons don't just disappear."

You squinted angrily. You pushed his hand away.

"So you're trying to tell me that the woman who raised me, fed me, clothed me, and loved me was a liar?"

Herobrine looked away and nodded. Your eyes widened. Herobrine sighed.

"I thught you already knew you were Spawn. I wouldn't have mentioned it at all if you weren't. I know you are. Spawns give off a certain...energy...I guess you could say. Steve does and so does his sister, Alex. You do, too."

You looked away from him. It was ridiculous. You, a Spawn? No, surely not. Herobrine patted your arm. You looked up at him.

"Are you okay?"

His voice was genuine. It made your chest twist. He was sharing his honest opinion and thoughts. You shook your head.

"No. I'm...I'm not a Spawn."

Even as you said it, your voice betrayed the feelings of uncertainty you had. You swallowed hard. Your palms and forehead were sweaty. You leaned forward and Herobrine pulled you into a hug. You melted into his arms.

You just wanted to hide your face. You were scared that he could tell you were nervous.

'Am I a Spawn?'

Your hand trailed down towards your belly. You felt the smoothness of your skin through the shirt. You never even thought of your own body like that. It wasn't noteworthy, it wasn't important. Yet it was always there.

You squeezed your eyes shut.

'I'm not ready for this.'

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now