Chapter 07

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Pouring myself a glass of wine while I sat at the kitchen table. Wanda had cooked dinner, incredibly delicious pasta bake with so much cheese on top that I wondered what the real main ingredient of that dish was.

Penelope was still at work but Wanda and I had already started the night. Early dinner meant early drinking and we were both not against the idea of that. I had borrowed a really low cut top from Wanda and wore the tightest pair of jeans I had in my closet and little too slutty to be comfortable. After another glass of wine I didn't mind anymore though.

Penelope joined an hour later and we dressed her up to match our level. Wanda and I had decided to not go to the nearby, not the one we would always go to, but to try something else and head out to that fancy bar downtown. Time to have some other people around us, not all those students and a certain Professor.

Penelope managed to keep up with us just fine even though we were about one bottle of Chardonnay ahead of her. She pulled a bottle of clear liquor from the freezer and cut up lemons while Wanda put salt on the talbe.

"Black out drunk it is" I summoned the disaster as we took the first round of shots. Tequila really wasn't my kind of alcohol but it worked. And we had realised before that Tequila changed us all.

After the third round I was drunk, far beyond tipsy and I wasn't even sure they would let us enter the bar anymore. "Don't worry, your cleavage is big enough!" Wanda laughed as we walked down the street to our destination. Half an hour later we were ordering the fourth round of shots and I laughed as we danced to music I hated.

The bar wasn't as good as I remembered it to be. I hadn't been there for a really long time, back in the day when I had relied on a fake ID and older friends. And now I was here with Wanda and Penelope who liked the pub around the corner as much as I did.

"Do you have a lighter?" I asked as I stood backstreet of the bar, a cigarette already between my lips. A girl helped me out and started an easy-going conversation about the music choices of the night.

Back inside we had more shots and at some point I felt like it was enough. The music was annoying me and I was tired. "I'll get us an Uber" I told my roommates and stood in the backstreet again to smoke once more. Ten minutes later we sat in the Uber, a nice lady was driving us to our apartment.

"I'm this close to blacking out" I told my friends and they nodded.

"We could easily just have one last round at the pub" Penelope said. "Just like a downer, you know?"

"Oh, I like that idea" Wanda agreed. And so did I.

We changed the destination and soon enough we arrived at the place we almost called our living room. Before we even entered we met Rachel and her new boyfriend, we talked to them and his friends. I ordered beer and shots, I enjoyed the music a lot more, I looked around and saw a few more familiar faces.

Picking up my coat I left my purse with my friends and headed outside to smoke. Earlier I had seen a girl I knew from a course that also smoked a lot. Pushing through the door I looked around and ran straight into her arms. She started talking, I didn't even need to contribute, she was seemingly happy to have found someone to listen to her. After her second smoke she walked back inside though and I was left standing in the cold.

The sky was clear and the air cold and crisp. For a moment I enjoyed the silence around me, only the music from inside could be heard. There was nobody around for a good minute I liked being alone. Just for that good minute because after realising that I was all by myself I looked down the street. I remembered the night Sebastian had shown up with his two friends. I was still unsure if they knew that I had been his student, he wouldn't have mentioned it to them but maybe they put the pieces together themselves - and maybe they hadn't.

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