Extra & A/N

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an alternate ending for the lovely KiritoAsunaARMY

this was the only idea i had so i am very sincerely sorry.

yoongi finished reading the last few words of the short story his room mate had written for their schools writing competition and wiped away a tear.

"oh my go i made min yoongi cry" jin exclaimed nearly falling off of his bed.

"but technically this isnt fiction" yoongi said sniffling "did you ask for their permission"

"of course i did" jin said rolling his eyes "im not that incosiderate"

"you do also realise that you outed tae aswell, now everyone is gonna know about his piercings" yoongi said raising an eyebrow

"remember that night taehyung and namjoon got drunk... yeah i think everyone who saw his insta already knows"

"and why did you have to make me the cunt?" yoongi huffed

"while i was writing it you were pissing me off so i was just like yeah lets make yoongi the cunty ex boyfriend"

the two started to walk to school to turn in jins paper. they sat at their table and smiled at taehyung and jungkook who were snuggled up to each other on one side of the table.

"so mr jeon how does it feel to have a massive piece of plastic inside of your chest?" hoseok asked using his hand as a microphone

"i feel like the turtles in the ocean" jungkook said with a fake groan

jin suddenly whipped out his metal straw before clinking it around in his drink

"this bitch really thought the pace maker machine thingy was going to look like a real heart, he was so disappointed when he saw this massive white plastic thingy" tae laughed rubbing jungkooks shoulders

"and how are the cannabees" namjoon asked tae

"sooo lit dude, wish you could relate to taking cannabis on the daily" tae said in response

tae was now on cannabis oil and it was starting to make him a lot better.

over the past year both boys got well enough to attend school again, it wasnt hard to adapt but a lot of people wanted to be friends with tae just for the canna bees.

yes there we go that was it, that was my attempt at an alternative ending.

now for the a/n:

yee yee yee

thank you so very much again for reading whatever this was.

'the bro jobs' (edited:lol it's unpublished) is out now and im gonna try and make is so much longer than this, its vmin but sope will come after im tryna ship everyone with my prefrence of ships. I ship vmin more than taekook but this book was inspired by an au edit i saw and i didnt see vmin fitting the i guess 'aesthetic' of it

as much as yoonmin fics are cute... sope is superior so 'trade pain for love' will be a thing

so for each member so far these are the books they've been the main character in

jungkook: promise me a forever

taehyung: the bro jobs

jimin: a million beautiful pieces

namjoon:i dont ship namjin so not sure yet

hoseok: trade pain for love

yoongi: might do a yoonkook fic because ive never attempted one of those

seokjin: make taejin because i havent done one of those either

so uhm stay posted i guess. i have like legit no followers but love u guys

(edited: ALL OF THE ABOVE BOOKS WILL BE DONE BEFORE 2021 IM SPEAKING IT INTO EXISTANCE. and a side note. i really want to do a loon ship as there was chuu and heejin in this book but i want to know what ships are popular because i have strong ideas for 2jin (heejin&hyunjin) but chuyves and chuulip and hyewon are really popular.


i love you bye

Promise Me A Forever: kth x jjkWhere stories live. Discover now