Indiana's phone starts to ring,
"That's probably him now." Clary says, Indiana sees Simons contact and wants to answer desperately but know that the cup is more important,
"I doubt it. Just so I'm clear, he did mention something about trying to avoid attention, right? From the looks of it, he's doing a terrible job." Jace points out causing both twins twins to look and see Luke being escorted away from his office.

"Circle members?" Indiana growls out, calming at Jace's look,
"No, mundanes. Internal affairs officers." He soothes,
"You can tell all that just by looking at them?" Clary says amazed,
"I can tell all that by reading their badges. Better than binoculars." Jace gestures to a rune on his forearm,
"Luke had his chance." The blond said grabbing Indiana's hand and moving towards the station at the twins confirmations,
"Let's go." Jace spurs the Fairchild's on.

Entering Luke's interrogation room, the three Shadowhunters sneak past the mundane as he asks the werewolf about coffee, the door closes and Luke speedily picks up a tissue.
As if going to sneeze Luke breathes out,
"Camera." Jace quickly turns off the camera as the twins address Luke.

"Luke, what is going on?" They say in unison,
"I think I'm about to be the prime suspect in a murder investigation." Luke explains,
"What do we do?" Indiana sighs,
"Get the cards. In my desk, bottom drawer." He instructs,
"All right." Clary heads towards the door
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't glamour yourselves. I'm not the only Downworlder on the force, and we don't know who's working for Valentine. If anybody spots you-" Luke is cut off,
"We'd be leading them right to the Mortal Cup." Jace continues,
"Exactly. Better to assume that everybody has the Sight - than gamble that they don't." Luke advices them.

The door handle starts to jiggle as the lock clicks,
"Luke-" Clary starts,
"I can handle myself." He informs her,
The door flings open showing the mundane from before, Indiana, Jace and Clary quickly slip through the open door.

Heading into a closet Jace questioned the taller twins choices,
"Really? In here?" He asks,
"Why not?" Clary says,
"There's got to be a better place." Jace complains,
"All we're doing is de-glamourising it's not that deep Jace." Indiana berates the boy for his complaining.

"Ow! All right." Jace says as the boxes behind him clatter around,
"You need help with that?" Jace mocks as Clary appears before him, Indiana still glamourised,
"I can deglamourize my fucking self, Jace." She says trying again, it's the third time she tries that the rune finally works and she appears directly in front of Jace, so close their almost touching..
"The cards?" Clary prompts the other two,
"Right. How exactly are we gonna get them? I doubt we can make it out of this closet without drawing attention, let alone Luke's desk and you are covered in runes." Jace lectures,
"Don't worry. I've got a plan." Indiana smirks,
"A good plan this time?" Jace raises his eyebrows,
"Sure. Just follow my lead. Oh, and I apologize." She says to Clary,
"Apologize for what?" Clary replies confused,
Indiana simply smiles mischievously, before they leave the closet.

"You fucking boyfriend stealing bitch!" Indiana's hand makes contact with Clary's face,
"Oh! And you stop following me!" She shoves Jace, plastering an angry look on her face,
"Hey, what happened to being discreet?" Jace whispered shocked as Clary cradled her cheek,
"I don't bloody car how many times it happened, she's my sister you never should have cheated on me, let alone with her in the first place!" Indiana screamed, striding towards Luke's desk.

"I Huh? I did not." Jace moved to follow her only to be held back by several police officers,
"You will never see me at your shit hole of an apartment again." Indiana slams open one of the draws on Luke's desk only to find it empty,
"That girl means nothing to me. Nothing." Jace says loudly,
"Is that Clary's boyfriend that I heard so much about?" Captain Vargas asked Indiana,
"Clary's." She scoffs, "He was mine but he cheated on me with Clary, that bitch is supposed to be my sister." Indiana trailed off in outrage.

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