Chapter Seven

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Khushi walked to the front confidently posing for the camera. A nervous yet beautiful smile graced her lips. As soon as she reached the edge of the stage, She stepped on something uneven. Arnav chose that exact moment to look back at the stage only to find Khushi stumbling on her step. Arnav widened his eyes, running into the direction of the stage.

Khushi fell right into his waiting arms, 

Eyes Closed

Lips trembling

Arnav's hold on her petite form tightened on instinct and he pulled her closer. Khushi's hand flew to the lapels of his coat. 

A current passed through both their bodies all at once.

Khushi opened her eyes, only to reveal the exact same shade of hazel that had been haunting the dreams of Arnav for over a decade.

Khushi opened her eyes, only to gaze right into the exact same shade of chocolate she had been dreaming of before she had caught onto the concept of dreaming.

And the world fell silent.

The two froze.


The four siblings rushed to the front stage, "Arnie.." They exclaimed in unison breaking the trance that their brother had slipped into.

Arnav looked around, the ground was filled with spectators who were by then engrossed in hushed whispers. He looked down at the girl he was holding, a curious mix of innocent fright reflected in her hazel orbs. 

A strange sense of Deja-vu hit him as his hold on her tightened even more. 

Alok tapped his shoulder, "Arnav--

Arnav sighed noiselessly, unwilling to let go of the girl in his arms, but he knew that he had to, for he couldn't risk creating a scene. 

Arnav lowered her to the ground, gently and held her hand.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to her, concern overpowering every other emotion that he felt at the moment. 

Khushi nodded shakily, "I don't know.. how--

Another Deja-Vu

"Is everything okay?" Pragya asked Khushi pulling the latter to face herself.

"Are you okay Khushi, Did you get hurt?" Alok asked worriedly

"I don't know Pragya, I tripped on something." Khushi explained frantically.


"The surface was uneven, I really don't know what happened. I didn't--

Khushi was standing with her head bowed down. 

"It's alright. Don't worry Khushi, It was only an accident." Alok said kindly

"I'm sorry Alok." Khushi whispered 

Alok smiled, patting her head. "Go to the green-room. It's okay. It was just an accident." He assured her and pushed her towards the green-room.


"Arnie, you okay buddy?" Pragya asked worriedly, walking up to her brother who hadn't spoken a word to any of them since they had come to the green room.

"Yes." The monosyllable seemed to have escaped his lips with great effort.

"It was not her fault Arnie. You're not blaming her, are you?" Jane asked 

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