First Day Off

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Chapter 1

You couldn't help but feel a little out of sorts, you had just graduated from college, and with nowhere to go you ended up back in the house you spent your high years. You had moved in after your parents had passed away and had called the place home ever since.

It was the home of Edward Newgate, the adopted father of your best friend, Luffy. Newgate, or Pops as you all affectionately called him, had five adopted children, not including yourself because you were never actually adopted by the man. Thatch was the oldest at 38, but Marco wasn't far behind him, being 35 years old himself. Ace and Sabo were next, both were 25 years old. Then there was Luffy, who was the youngest at 22 years old, the same age as yourself.

Now, even though you were never formally adopted by the man, Newgate considered you his only daughter, insisting you move back home after you graduated from college to be with the rest of the family. You still had a room at the house and happened to be working at the local bar, so moving back home made the most sense while you looked for a job more related to your degree.

All the boys still lived at home and were more than happy to have you back. Thatch was a chef at a fancy restaurant and had money to spare, but he wanted to stay close to Pops. Marco was an art teacher and school nurse at the local high school and had no intention of moving out any time soon. Sabo worked in local government and spent most of his time at his girlfriend's place. Ace and Luffy worked at the bar with you, which was owned by the families mutual friend, Shanks, and didn't want to move out yet either.

On your first day off since you were back, you decided to get up early and make coffee for the boys who had to work a normal schedule. You stumbled out of your room at the ungodly hour of 7 a.m. in just a long t-shirt that belonged to one of the boys and went down to your mid-thighs, as well as a pair of unseen panties underneath.

After giving up on your tangled hair, you made it down to the kitchen to make a fresh cup of coffee. Pops was the first one down, ruffling your already messy hair as he grabbed his cup and offered you a thanks and a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door.

Marco was next, he grabbed a cup of coffee before leaning against the counter and finally getting a good look at you. His mouth opening wide and his cheeks glowing red when he noticed your attire. "T-that's my shirt yoi!"

"Oh, is it?" You hummed as you lifted it up to get a look at the phoenix on the front and giving Marco a good view of your strawberry print panties. "Cute..." You smiled up at him, faltering when you noticed his reddening face. "What? I didn't steal it! It got mixed in with my laundry, I swear!"

"Just p-pull it down y-yoi!" He stammered as he grabbed hold of the end of the shirt and tugged it down for you

"Someone's a grumpy pineapple today," you grumbled, gaining a glare from the blonde as you started to blush from embarrassment yourself.

"What is that magnificent smell~? Did someone besides myself make coffee for once~?" Thatch sang as he entered the room, looking as fresh and posh as ever. He beamed when he spotted you by the coffee pot. "Oh, [y/n] dear, I've missed you so much~!" He cooed as he shoved Marco aside to pull you into a bone-crushing hug.

"M-morning, Thatch," you managed to struggle out, Thatch's strong hold effectively squashing the air out of you.

"Let go of her yoi! You're gonna hurt her!" Marco barked as he pulled Thatch off of you, immediately placing his hands on both of your arms to hold you in place as he inspected you.

"Marco, you don't have to doctor me, I'm fine," you groaned but continued to let him inspect you until he was content that you had no new bruises or injuries on your body.

"I would never hurt [y/n]," Thatch pouted, clearly offended that Marco thought it necessary to even check for damage.

"She couldn't breath. Just be more careful, yoi," Marco murmured while finally letting you go.

You jokingly rolled your eyes, smiling at the blonde before you moved towards the fridge to start getting out the ingredients for the breakfast you were going to make. "Marco, I don't see your lunch in here..." you looked back accusatorially at the man.

He frowned, looking anywhere but at you as he scratched the back of his head. "You know I don't really eat lunch..."

You shook your head as you walked up to him with your hands on your hips. "Unacceptable," you announced as you poked his chest with your pointer fingers. "I guess that just means I'm going to have to visit you at your lunch hour and bring food for us to share."

"You really don't have to do that yoi," Marco blushed, looking down at your smaller form with a widened eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But I want to," you offered him another smile before returning to the fridge where you continued to gather food for breakfast, moving to the kitchen island as you started preparing the meal as the two older brothers finally sat down at stools nearby.

"Good morning everyone," Sabo yawned as he walked into the room, attempting to fix his tie at the same time. "Ah, [y/n]! Why are you up so early?" The younger blonde smiled at you as he grabbed a cup of coffee.

"Well, I rarely get to spend mornings with you guys anymore so I wanted to spend my day off with you as much as possible," You chimed, handing him a couple of pieces of cheese to munch on as he went to sit with his brothers.

"You are honestly a gift to this world," Sabo gushed, gaining nods from Thatch in Marco in agreement.

"You guys are too good to me," you countered while moving to the stove to cook the meal you had prepared.

Once breakfast was eaten, Sabo and Thatch headed out the doors. Marco was a bit slower as he stood in front of the mirror, tucking his white button-down into his gray plaid pants. You couldn't help but notice his sculpted chest that was on full view as he had yet to button the rest of his shirt.

Noticing your pout in the mirror as he finished with the last button, Marco turned to look at you with slight concern. "You okay yoi? You look upset."

"Just sad that you're leaving for work and I'll be alone till Ace and Luffy decide to wake up," you shrugged as you walked over to him, stopping right in front of him and going on your tippy-toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. You may have been mistaken, but Marco's cheeks seemed to instantly redden at the action.

"R-right! Well, I'll better be off yoi! See you l-later!" He murmured nervously as he grabbed his worn-out briefcase and headed towards the door.

You followed behind him with your arms crossed against your chest. "At lunchtime, you'll see me at lunchtime," you reminded him as you stopped at the door he had just exited through, smiling when he stopped right outside it and turned to face you.

"Y-yeah, are you sure about that yoi?" Marco questioned, shooting a glance down at his phone to check the time.

"I'm looking forward to it!" You assured. "I mean, if you don't want me to I don't have to..." you frowned, starting to doubt your whole plan at the lack of enthusiasm Marco was showing.

"No! I want you to come!" Marco quickly yelped, making you jump slightly. "Sorry, that was loud...I want you to come, just text me when you make it to the school and I'll come to sign you in."

"Okay good! See you at lunch, Marco~!" you beamed, looking at him expectantly as he started to turn again. "H-hey!"

"What yoi?" Marco turned back with a sigh, starting to get annoyed with your many interruptions.

You frowned once again as your nerves started to get the better of you. Come on, [y/n]! He won't think you asking for a kiss on the cheek is weird! Be brave, girl! "You didn't give me a kiss on the cheek~!" You whined, offering him your best puppy dog eyes.

"That's it yoi?" Marco groaned, grabbing onto your wrist and tugging you against him before giving you a rough peck on the cheek. "Now I'm going to be late!" He complained as he headed off towards the car, completely missing the flustered state he left you in.

I can't believe I'm getting this way over a platonic kiss on the cheek...

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