Chapter 1

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I look up the raking board.


Wait? What? No that can't be right my ranking in stage one should have brought it down!

"Tris well done!" Uriah says as he walks over with Lynn and Marlena.

"That's Uri, and well done too guys!" I say trying not to sound too boast full. Just as I finish saying that a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I turn to see Tobias. My Tobias.

"Do u thing I've given to much away?" He asks

"I really don't care right now!" And with that I kiss him. In front of everyone.

"That's how she did it! That's why she's first! He favoured her!" I hear Peter shout as he punches the wall.

"She got in on her own Peter." Tobias says for me almost spitting his name. "She didn't need my help. Cause she is better than you and always will be!" With that Peter scowls and stalks out of the room.


Oh no. God help me.

"Yes Christiana?" I ask with the most innocent voice I can put on.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Christina I'm-"

"Your what? I'm your best friend! You didn't tell me!!"

"We didn't what anyone thinking that our relation ship effected my ranking!" I finally get out.

"Oh. I'm sorry. But ow we HAVE to go shopping!!!" She squeals.

"Chris, I-"

"No you have too!!"

"Fine" I finally give in. And with that she pulls me way. I give tobias a 'I'm so sorry' and 'please help' me look, but he just shrugs and chuckles as I get dragged to my death!


After 3 hours of shopping and 20 shops, I have 10 bags all full and very heavy! We make our way back to the dorm as we don't get pure rooms till tomorrow when we choose our jobs. I all ready know what I want to do.

"Hey girls!" Uri shouts in his best 'female' voice.

"Hey Uri. What's up?" I ask

"Truth or dare party at Zekes tomorrow night for new members. Oh and it at 6:00!" He shouts as he runs I the other direction, I'm guessing to go tell the others.

"EEK!" Christiana screams

"What?" I ask now fully on my guard.

"I just realised that you can wear your new dress!"

"Uh. Christiana, you didn't have to scream you made me worried that someone was trying to kill us!" I say slightly annoyed!

"Whoops . Sorry." She replied shyly.

When we get to the dorm we are greeted by Will, who looks angry.

"You left me all on my own with four!" He exclaims

"Well then if four was there you weren't allown!" I state like an erudite.

"Yes but I don't know what too say he just kissed my best friend. To most people I would do the whole 'if u hurt her' but it was four what am I gonna do stand their and shout at Hume from afar?!" He explains

"Oh I'm sorry Willy poo!" Christiana says

"Willy poo?" I ask

"Um... Forget about that." They both say the same time while blushing.

I just walk away while Will gives Christiana a 'why' look.

I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends and such a wonderful boyfriend who I love so, so much! And that is the last thought in my head as I fall asleep.

Divergent what should have been.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu