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I am simply a young woman. I am simply a young woman , a young strong woman , a young new woman.
I A care free woman wear yellow , sunflowers in my hands with feet that moves with the sound of bells yet life give me lemons.
Young women need earth need space need the heavens  to grow , young lady should be scholars young lady might be vixens .
As long she breathes as long as she fights her woes , she will always out shine out gleam your shady predictions.
She makes her own solitude in her own walls in her own home , this woman's mercy her sturdy work desk  her sanctuary .
She is a mental eco system she don't need you Jerome, she is no ordinary open book my boiii she is the whole library . 
Come watch this young women this young gladiator take on beasts , she is truly capable but will come out completely scathed .
She was never your little  broken bird to be released , Actress for all eyes to see No one knows how She has truly behaved .

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