Together, the cats of LichenClan shared a long moment of silence for Sagefeather. Most all of the cats in the Clan had known Sagefeather their entire lives, and for a moment Jaggedtail remembered Birdstar. Birdstar had been even older than Sagefeather at her death. The LichenClan that Jaggedtail was born into was completely different than the one now, he had seen the deaths of medicine cats, deputies and leaders.

He looked at the nursery, remembering when he had been just a kit in the leaf-bare. Robinkit had just passed and he stared out into the camp wondering what his life would bring. It certainly brought so many unexpected events. He flicked his ears. But they've shaped me into who I am now.


That night, the Clan held vigil for Sagefeather as she passed onto the stars. Jaggedtail felt like there had been so many vigils lately, and there had been. This wouldn't be the last one either, as the sun began to rise upon Sagefeather's still body. Jaggedtail decided to plan out the dawn patrol before getting some sleep.

He chose cats that had slept before, making sure they would be able to handle it and ended up sending out Foxwhisker, Flamewhisker, Branchfur, Hazelshine and Timberfall. Jaggedtail returned to his nest, curling up beside his beautiful mate Cherrypool. Jaggedtail found sleep hard, and ended up waking up just before sunhigh. Cherrypool and many other warriors had already risen, so Jaggedtail was glad that he had decided the rest of the patrols before heading out.

Jaggedtail stood up and left the den to see that despite the loss of Sagefeather, LichenClan was still working hard to keep their spirits high. While the patrols were out, Jaggedtail decided to take his own solo hunting mission to hopefully clear his head. He found himself thinking about what Sagefeather had told him, about the choice he would soon have to make. He had no idea what it could be, but he was terrified of making the wrong one.

He knew that most of the territory was pretty well covered when it came to hunting, but there was one spot in the territory that was rarely tread upon. The area right beside the twolegplace. Jaggedtail began travelling that way, remembering when he took Foxwhisker here as an apprentice and encountered Rowanfang. He hoped that he wouldn't encounter him again.

Jaggedtail neared the twolegplace and began searching for prey, but it wasn't mouse that he caught a scent of, it was Mossleaf. What's she doing out here? Jaggedtail wondered, he could see her pawsteps in the snow leading towards the twolegplace. Maybe she's hunting, but it doesn't seem like she's stopped.

Letting his curiosity take the lead, Jaggedtail followed Mossleaf's scent and pawprints towards the twolegplace. Her scent grew stronger and stronger but Jaggedtail was just about out of LichenClan territory now. Confused, Jaggedtail looked around for his niece but couldn't spot her.

"--its so hard." Jaggedtail heard a faint voice speak, it was close to where he stood and the voice belonged to Mossleaf.

"I'm sorry," Another voice spoke, this one completely unfamiliar. "I wish I could be there to support you."

"It's okay," Mossleaf purred. "Seeing you here is good enough for now." Who is she talking to? Jaggedtail followed the sound of their voices and finally spotted Mossleaf, she was sitting under the shelter of an old, twisted oak tree. Beside her was an unfamiliar black tom, he had a white chest and muzzle, paws and tail tip. The collar around his neck revealed him to be a kittypet.

Mossleaf was curled up against him, her eyes filled with love and care. Mossleaf is seeing a kittypet! Jaggedtail thought with shock. I have to say something. Jaggedtail stepped forward. "Mossleaf." He spoke her name sternly.

Mossleaf's eyes went wide and she jumped to her paws, facing Jaggedtail in horror. "J-Jaggedtail!" She shouted. "H-How long have you been there?" The kittypet stood up as well, his entire body going rigid.

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