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Amanda's p. o. v.
I had officially lost it.

I couldn't sleep that night so I stayed up staring at my ceiling.

I'm pretty sure it was Suzie that told me that night to kill her but then again her story still adds up because she hadn't been around for a while in school.

Fresh tears threatened to spill when I heard my door creaking open.

I sat up quickly when I saw someone's head pop up and familiar blue eyes looked at me with a grin.

"Aiden, " i said almost in a whisper.

" Hey Amy i missed you so much what have you been up to? " he said switching on the light.

I couldn't move. For starters as awkward and frightening as it could get Aiden and my father had died in a car crash when I was nine.

I even went to his burial how was he even fine. A piece of glass had entered through his heart so how was he here.

I started to cry mostly because it was the only thing I could do off late.

Then the door creaked open again and in walked dad perfectly normal  yet i remember he had lost both his legs during the accident.

I was officially losing it. I knew I couldn't scream because it wouldn't help so I shut my eyes really tightly hoping they'd go.

When I opened it was worse. My brother was clutching onto a large piece of glass that was lodged in his chest inhaling sharply.

I simply cried as my sobs soon turned into muffled cries

I didn't see my dad anywhere and I couldn't tear my eyes off Aiden.

"Help me! " he said in a chilling whisper.

I turned away but was met with my father's painful groans as blood splashed everywhere from his ugly wounds.

" honey please... " he said as his eyes bulged out wildly

I screamed so much hoping the crazy dream would stop but it didn't.

The door creaked for a third time and i shut my eyes once more hoping it wasn't another one.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and another on my cheek and my eyes fluttered open revealing Suzie's worried face.

"You need help Amanda... " she said her voice barely above a whisper and I nodded quickly pulling her into a tight hug.

She pulled away and got into my bed and lay next me.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I noticed they were gone and so i quietly hummed myself to sleep.

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