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She stood there her hand gripping tightly on the blade before she drove it into the older lady's chest tears streaming violently down her cheeks before she let go of the blade and stared down at her mother who currently lay in a pool of blood.

"No! what have l done, " she said pacing back and forth shaking her head wildly and realization set in that she had killed her mother.

But Suzie said to do it she told herself


" You have to kill your mother she keeps on shouting at you it's not right, "

" But she's not bad she just had an off day, " She said to Suzie her hands sweating like crazy

" The woman hates you for Christ sake it's ridiculous to think she even cares about you, do it and prove to her that she has no control over you, "Suzie said with a smirk before walking out

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