Adrien Agreste

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Nath spends the week end alone without Marc. His mom is worried they got into a fight but Nath appeases her. Marc seems to be busy at the moment with the Gavroches and Nath needs to do something alone for once. He would have been very embarrassed if Marc was with him. So he feels relieved.

Nath feels blessed for having such understanding parents for him. He's a boy, with another boy, and their family is jewish. Despite having good parents, he's scared that part of the community might not understand that. Furthermore, even though are happy for him, they're still worried because there are some homophobic assaults around in the city*. Nath promises he would be really careful and explained he doesn't like showing sign of affection in public anyways.

He then kisses her mother goodbye and left to do some shopping.

He goes to la Fnac, but far away from the city center to make sure he wouldn't meet someone he knows. In the shop, he goes to a really special place filled with books that he his not supposed to read. He takes a look around, wants to be discreet. And he finally sees that no one is noticing him. He relaxes and start to watch the books in front of him. He sees lots of bodies on the covers, sensual words. He flushes. He knows he shouldn't be here. Actually, Nath studies how to give pleasure to his partner, since he knows one day his relationship with Marc will lead to this point. And if he knows how it works between a man and a woman, he's rather lost when it comes to man. He browses some books. flushes in the storeshelf, he remembers all the websites he visited as well. Yes, this is how sex works between 2 males partners, buddy!

Suddenly, Nath hears his name!

"_ Nathaniel!"

Nath freeze, turns his head around to see Adrien Agreste. He tries to hide the book he was reading behind him and remember where he was. He couldn't hide anything.

"_ A- A- Adrien?! What are you doing here?"

Adrien shows his basket full of anime blurays and explains he often comes here to do shopping. he likes it because he won't get annoyed by fans here. Adrien notices Nath's embarrassment and promises he won't says anything to anyone concerning Nathaniel's doing and wink. They go to the cashier together and Nathaniel hopes the cashier will not judge them concerning the book he buys but the cashier doesn't care. She just does her job.

Then Adrien invites Nath for a drink somewhere because he has some times off before his chinese class. Nath accepts and chooses a little coffee shop in a hidden street. Adrien thinks it's odd that Nath likes really small alley and hidden place. Nath explains they're like hidden treasures. Nath then promises himself that he would take Marc there if it's a nice shop.

At the coffee shop, Adrien and Nath talks a lot. Nath asks him about boys and girls. But Adrien says he can't do anything with his father behind him. Nath shares his doubts concerning sex and with this, implies directly he's finally with Marc. Adrien is happy for them. He will also keep it a secret since Nath doesn't feel confortable being public about it at the moment. Then, since Nath shared a secret, Adrien tells him a secret too. Something he can't even tell his best friend Nino, because of Alya's potential meddling.

"_ I'm seeing someone!"

But he doesn't say more. Nath wonders who's the girl might be but doesn't question Adrien about it. Everyone has secrets after all. They keep chatting till the end of the afternoon.


*Homohobic assaults happens once in a while in France. And it happened in Paris while I was writing the chapter so I decided included it in the story.

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