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It's La fête de la musique on Juleka and Luka's boat. It became a habit. The Couffaine's family hosts this group's event while Chloé hosts the group's New Year Party. The Kitty Section changed their name and became the Gavroches. Marc suggested the name after the event of Heroes' Day. When he is not working with Nath on their comics, he is a consultant for the band because he knows a lot about music. Sometimes he also helps Rose, Juleka, Yvan and Luka with arrangement. Chloé also became part of the Gavroches to everybody's surprise. She has a great voice and everybody in the group seems to appreciate that despite her scornful attitude towards others.

Marc and Luka became great friends over time since Heroes' Day. Luka knows about Marc's crush on one of his classmates called "Nath". He thought at first this Nath was a girl before meeting him during another party on the boat.

The Gavroches have a concert on the boat, on the Debilly Shore, in front of the Eiffel Tower. Lots of people like to listen to the band from the shore and every year, there are more and more people coming and booths start to appear as well, selling food and drink. The Gavroches' concert became a classic place to pass by for Parisians during La fête de la musique. The party goes well everyone is enjoying their time, drinking and dancing till the end of the night. The party ends with a series of slow dances and Marc is watching Juleka and Rose dancing together with love in their eyes. He imagines what he would feel to dance with Nath like that.

After the party, Marc and Nath walk along la Seine hand in hand... as usual. The weather is nice. The moon is glowing in the sky. Nath remember the time he was Evillustrator and invited Marinette for a date. They laugh together at the memory. In front of Nath's house, they don't really want to say goodbye. Nath wants to invite Marc but he doesn't dare. He asks Marc to get on his knee since the punk boy is now way taller than him. Marc does so and Nath plays with Marc's hair! He does prefer his punk boy with bed hair. When Marc gets up, he catches Nath and the red head, suprised, is now in koala mode in Marc's arms. Nath asks him to set him back on the ground but Marc refuses with a big smile.

"_ I kidnap you!"

Nath is annoyed but still hang on Marc, scared to fall. They got to Nath's room like that. Nath is super scared and asks Marc several time to leave him but Marc always refuses until they're in Nath's room. Nath realized how strong Marc became, thanks to Kim's sport group's sessions. When they're in Nath room, it's dark, only the moon lighten the room. Marc goes to Nath's bed to leave him fall on his mattress. Nath still has his legs around Marc's torso because he knows that Marc will leave if he let him go. Marc climbs on him. They look each other in the eyes for a while. Nath wants to turn the light on.

"_ Don't do that!"
"_ Why?"
"_ Hum... Because I'm a vampire... You don't want to hurt me, right?"

Nath laughs and keeps playing Marc's game. He pretends he's scared with a sexy look and attitude.

"_ OOOHHH!!! My best friend is a vampire!!! He's gonna suck all the blood out of me!!! I'm soo scared!!!"

Marc growls and shows his teeth while approching Nath slowly. Nath gives his neck to the other boy who start kissing his skin tenderly. One kiss, two kisses, three kisses. Then come the teeth and the tongue on Nath's neck. It's super sensual. They're body against body. Nath embraces Marc to make him understand that he can keep going with what he is doing. he plunges his hands into Marc's hair. The he starts to feel that Marc is deep into it. Nath feels their hearts beat. He wants to open his mouth to let escape some sounds but feels like he will awaken the whole planet if he does such a thing. They both moan but keep their voice down as much as they can, enjoying their time like the rest of the world doesn't exist anymore. When Marc is done, he flushes like hell in the dark and he is embarrassed. They're both panting and Marc can sees that he left a dark mark on Nath's skin. He thinks he made a mistake. He tries to get off Nath's embrace.

"_ I should go back home!"
"_ Don't say bullshit! Sleep here! And mom will be happy to see you tomorrow!"

They go to bed. but Marc doesn't want to face Nath. he is too ashamed. Nath knows that he will have to comfort his friend-not-so-friend anymore and tell him that what happens is not the end of them. But he's too tired to start the talk now. He caresses Marc's back tenderly and whispers a delicate "Bonne Nuit!" against his neck, followed by a light kiss.

I forgot to tell you that I love youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora