Chapter 46

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Jason's POV (a little extra for you who love the book so far)

My phone is set on a setting where it vibrates every two minutes when I get a text and it doesn't stop until I read the text. So I'm sleeping and next thing I know my phone is vibrating like crazy. I don't want to get up and turn it off because I'm in and out of a coma stage, but Claire keeps hitting me so I finally get up. The text is from Ben. And my phone has been vibrating for the past hour. Oops!

Olivia may have heard our conversation a few hours ago. What do I do? She said "don't keep secrets from me." HELP!!!!!!

I feel really bad for him. I can't imagine what it must feel like to hide a huge secret like that from your best friend/girlfriend. I close the door to our room so Claire can sleep, walk downstais, and sit on the couch in the living room. I call Ben, hoping he's still awake. A few rings go by and he answers, sounding wide awake.

"Hey, I texted you like an hour ago. Were you sleeping?"

I rub my eyes. "Yeah, I was."

"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't want to wake you. I just thought you'd be up still. What do I do?" His voice sounds frantic. He is really panicking about this.

"It's okay, Ben. Just sit down, calm down, and don't clean anything."

He laughs, but its a rushed and panicked laugh. "I can't. Everything is spotless."

"We said we were going to tell her friday. Let's just tell her tomorrow. Are you okay, Ben?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Tomorrow. I can do...wait!!! It's already tomorrow. I's today...WE'RE TELLING HER TODAY!!!!"

It's really funny hearing him like this. It's a little mix of both excitement, frustration, and nervousness. I don't blame him. I feel the same way.

"It's fine, Ben. Just try to calm down and everything will be fine. We'll hang out after school and then we'll give her the package."

He sighs. "Okay. Thanks for calling. Sorry I woke you."

"It's fine. Bye."


He hangs up and I walk over to the table in the kitchen, clutch the package, and then run up to bed to catch up on sleep.

What do you think is in the package???? Comment if you have any guesses!!!!

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