Bloody Sharks and Broken Hearts

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I walk over to where Suyin and Jonas are talking. I try to hide the obvious distaste on my face. "We need to figure out who's going under. Rock Paper Scissors?" I suggest. Suyin agrees with a smile and an eye roll. "Whatever." Jonas says. "No, no, no. It's my turn, so screw off." I tell him. "What? But like you said, we didn't know about the shark—" I cut him off. "No." I turn to Suyin. "Alright. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" She throws out paper, but I throw out scissors. "Well look at that." I mumble.

They prepare the shark cage, and reel it down to the bottom level. "Shark cage is ready." Jax reports to no one in particular. "A plastic cage." Jonas notices with distain. "Offensive. This cage will not break. It will take 200,000 pounds of force per square inch to even get this thing to crack. Breaking? That would 8-900,ooo pounds." I look at her, impressed. "I don't like it." Jonas decides before walking away. Jax looks annoyed. "He doesn't like it." The Wall repeats. "I wouldn't get in there." DJ adds. "I don't know. I trust Jax's design, so I'd bet this will hold." I pipe up. Jax looks at me appreciatively. I nod, and walk over to Heller. "What's the plan?" I ask. "Whoever gets in the cage will shoot the thing with this." He holds up a bottle of some sort of poison. I nod. "Alrighty. Well, I'm getting in the cage, so I'll suit up."

I throw on a wetsuit with (F/C) stripes on the sides over my green tank top. I pull my (H/C) hair out of my face, and into a ponytail. They start lowering the cage into the water, and go over to the side of the boat to put on the scuba gear. Suyin walks up to me. "I know shark behavior. I can do this. Let me do what I do best." She says. She says it with certainty, but there's a hint of a concerned manner in her voice. "Suyin, I appreciate it, but you have people who need you. I don't." I tell her. "But you do. Jonas needs you." She replies, but it seems a bit far away as she thinks about my words. I look at Jonas, then back at her. "Not like Meiying needs you." She looks down, knowing that I've won. "I'll be fine." I reassure her, giving her a quick hug.

I walk to the back of the boat where the cage is. I'm about to pull on my mask when Jonas walks over. "Let me go, (Y/N)." "You kept your promise. I'll keep mine. I'll be fine." I finish pulling on my mask, and get in the cage. I look at Jonas as the cage lowers. Under the water, I turn in circles slowly. I see the chum being dropped into the water to bait the meg. Smaller sharks come to scent of it. "Tiny 8 foot sharks here thanks to your bait, Wall." "Well I'm helping. So your nice and tasty." I laugh. "So glad your looking out for me." "Thank you, good luck, bye bye." I can practically hear the smirk on his face. I wait a few moments before all the sharks clear out. "It's coming." I say.

The meg comes around the cage. I aim the gun. "I'm going for the eye." I report quietly. Before I can shoot, the meg swim away quickly. "Dammit I don't know where it went." Suddenly the shark rams into the bottom of the cage, rising from the depths. I hit the side of the cage and drop the gun. I try to regain my balance. I pick up the gun, aim, and fire at the meg. I didn't hit its eye, but I got it in the mouth so it works. "The poison is in." I report. Before they can pull the cage up, the shark comes back, grabbing the cage it mouth. It pulls the boat with it. "It's got the cage. It's swallowing the cage." I shout. I move around, trying to stay upright. The meg moves fast, but I inch towards the exit. The giant shark makes another sharp turn of its head, and I fall, breaking my mask. "Uh, new problem. My mask is broken. I'm losing oxygen." I hear a splash, and look up to see Jonas

It releases the cage, and swim in the other direction. Jonas comes up to the cage. "Jonas go back. There has to be a lock inside or something." He ignores me. My vision becomes blurry in the event of oxygen loss, but before I can get to the exit the shark grabs the cage again. I see the crane that the cage is connected to fall into the water. The last thing I see is Jonas coming back to the cage. The last thing I think is what would have happened if I had told him how I feel before falling unconscious.


I wake up on a makeshift bed below deck. I sit up tiredly. "Easy, you were dead two minutes ago." Heller tries laying me back down, but I refuse. I lean on the wall behind the bed. I see Jonas standing in the doorway. "Give us a moment?" I ask Heller. He nods before leaving. "You're bad at keeping promises." Jonas says walking over to me. I huff a laugh. "Yeah. I guess so. Sorry. Thank you for saving me. Even though I didn't ask for it." I mumble that last part, but he hears it. "Well you needed it." He says, no joking tone in his voice. "You're right. Thank you." He nods, giving me a side hug. "There's something you might want to see." He says, about to stand. "Actually, one more thing." I stop him. "The last thing I thought was how I didn't get to tell you that-that I really missed you over the years. And I'm glad we get to see each other again." I say, chickening out of a confession. "Now lets go see... whatever it is." I change the subject.

He smiles. "Missed you too. Come on." He leads me up to the top deck, where the giant shark rests, dead and hung up. "Wow, I missed a lot." I decide. "How are you?" Wall asks. "Alive, So." I shrug. He laughs. "Jonas! Take a picture of me and this big smelly beast." Wall says in a funny voice, tossing his phone to Jonas. I noticed DJ by the crane controls, and so does Jonas. Jonas turns on video. Wall stands with an arm near the mouth. "You want a real picture, get your head in its mouth." Wall laughs, and barely puts his head inside. "Come on get in." I encourage. "Alright. Bleh." He replies to the smell. Once Wall has his head in, DJ uses the controls to move the shark. Wall shouts, and falls backwards into the water. Everyone who sees laughs. "Jonas, please tell me you got that!" DJ laughs. "I got that DJ!" Jonas replies. "That's not funny man." The Wall says angrily from the water. "No seriously, watch." DJ proceeds to laugh. The Wall starts to chuckle. "We got the Wall in the water." DJ adding a beat at the end, and repeats it. Jonas chuckles before pulling me aside.

He shows me a picture he took beforehand. "Look at those teeth marks. Remember the marks at Mana One?" I nod remembering the straight marks. I look at the crooked teeth of the shark here. I also notice that there not a tracker on the dead sharks fin, and tell him so. "You don't think—" I'm cut off my another shark, a bigger shark, jumping from the water. It swallows Wall, grabs the small meg, and lands on the boat. As the new meg slides off the boat, the boat tips to the right. Jonas and I grab the rail on the left side while everyone else falls into the water. The boat continues to turn, so we let go. I resurface, and swim onto the now upside down boat. I'm met with Mr. Morris. "Help me." DJ shouts. "You can't swim?" Morris and I ask at the same time in disbelief. "Don't start that racist stuff." DJ replies as we help him onto the boat. "Cmon were not being racist. You work literally in the middle of the ocean." DJ gives Morris a hard glare. "This wasn't part of the job description. None of this was part of the job description. They left that part out!" DJ continues.

"Calm down." Morris says. I listen to them whilst looking for the others in the water. "Calm down? A bigger shark just ate the first one, another ones gonna eat this one. Toshi, The Wall, these are my friends man." DJ finishes dejectedly. I give DJ a look of sympathy. When I turn back I see Jonas and Suyin come up with Dr. Zhang. Dr. Zhang doesn't look good. "It's not good. He needs to get to a hospital." Jonas tells Suyin. I look for Dr. Heller. I see him a distance from the boat with Jax. The shark starts towards them, I can't hear what they're saying, but Heller starts yelling and splashing to get the sharks attention. The shark eats Heller. Not again. Dammit, dammit, dammit. Jax swims to the boat. We help her up, and she grips onto the boat crying. I look for Mac next, determined to not let another person die, and see him get to a lifeboat. Morris cheers while Mac drives two boats over. Jonas and I climb into one with Suyin, carrying Dr. Zhang with us. Morris, DJ, Mac, and Jax climbs into the other.

A few moments of driving, and the hellhound in the shape of a giant shark starts at us. Morris makes a call, and after another few minutes a helicopter comes by, shooting at the shark with rifles. I roll my eyes. Because that's gonna do anything but piss it off. "You think rifles are gonna stop that thing?" Jax voices my thoughts. "I didn't have much notice. I just wanted it off our backs." Morris shoots back. I hear Jax mutter something that DJ laughs at. I look at Dr. Zhang, who looks like he isn't doing well. I not optimistic that we'll be able to get to Mana One in time. Dr. Zhang calls to Suyin. They speak quietly to each other in another language before Dr. Zhang closes his eyes and take a final breath. Suyin cries for her loss, shouting for him. I give her a moment of silence, wanting to give her all my sympathy. We arrive back at Mana One, where Meiying starts walking towards the boats. "Welcome back, mommy." She greets. A tear filled Suyin leads her away from the boat, where Jonas and I cover Dr. Zhang's lifeless body. I watch with my heart breaking as Suyin tells her what happened. Meiying looks at the boat before hugging her mother. It's been a long day.

The Meg Film x reader (Jonas x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें