chapter three

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We arrived at band practice the next day to find Elliot and Bailey with party poppers in their hands. We walked in and had them popped in our hand.
"You're performing at the pep rally!!" They squealed.
"No way!" I gasped.
"Yes way!" Elliot exclaimed.
"And you're doing yesterday's song!" Bailey declared.
Archie put on some music on the speaker and we danced around for half an hour before rehearsing.

The school bell went, and we strutted through the courtyard in a long line. For the first time, people moved for us. We felt powerful.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS! PLEASE PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR POWERLESS!" The principal yelled, the whole school applauding as the lights turned off and green, purple, and white spotlights shone down at the stage.
Troy beat his drums, Archie and Ethan strummed their guitar, I sang, Bailey and Elliot cheered from the side of the stage, and we had a blast.
By the end of the song, the whole school was on their feet: dancing and chanting with us.
We finished the song and everyone whistled, clapped, and screamed. We waved and bowed.
Suddenly, we were put into shock as the whole school bowed to us!
"Encore!" One student shouted. I smiled and suddenly the whole school was begging for an encore.
We always pleased our audiences, so we performed our favourite Queen song: Don't Stop Me Now.

By the end of the day, we were on top.


thanku for reading this short story!

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