Heal me

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The only word that can slip out of my mouth. What do you expect? Apparently, I was badly injured that I needed to be treated right away. Strange that I felt nothing at all.

No matter how many questions you've been asking, I wouldn't answer them.

"Unnie you alright?"

Alright? After all those things that happened to me, do you really think I'm alright? The pain I've felt, mentally and physically. How I screamed internally for if I do not then others would think I'm merely a psycho.

Who am I kidding? Heck, I am crazy. Crazier than anyone can imagine

"Yes I'm fine"

Strangely enough, those three words slip from my own mouth. As much as I want to burst out the truth, I can't. As much as I want you away in my life, I can't. 

No matter how I pushed you away, you always come back.

Please help me

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