we know the end (iii/iii)

Start from the beginning

Her friend hurried to their side as soon as she saw them looking her way, her face full of remorse. Luna had to sigh; her friend never really had a good timing for anything except school and knowing the exact moment when to take a picture.

"I'm so, so, so, so sorry guys, I tried to hold back Yam as much as I could but she wants Luna for more pictures and the media photographers were getting suspicious she wasn't around, and then Yam's cousin pointed out that you'd also disappeared and..." she took another breath, "and Gastón and I ran out of excuses for you, and we really, really, really didn't want to interrupt you but we honestly can't..."

"We understand, Nina." Matteo interrupted her babbling, "I'm sure you did everything you could, thank you." Then he turned his gaze at her, and she could see the underlying frustration in them. Or maybe it was her own frustration being reflected on them. "Talk to you when your maiden duties are over?"

She nodded reluctantly. "And when the reporters are gone?" Matteo looked conflicted for a second, but ended up agreeing anyway.

"I'll see you later."

Luna tried to smile. "Later."

Except 'later' didn't come until much later that night.

In fact, the wedding reception had passed in a blur of trying to get a moment alone with Matteo and quick, apologetic glances because it was almost mission impossible to get between a meter of each other. Luna couldn't get away without one of the photographers taking a step in her direction, their cameras up to capture her every move.

She was sure there was no one happier than her when she saw them leave for the night.

Except maybe Matteo and Ámbar, who visibly relaxed their postures the second they were gone, too. Non-surprisingly, since - besides the newlyweds and wedding party-, they had been the most photographed people both by the press and other guests. She was positive tomorrow's celebrity news would be papered of pictures and play-by-play retellings of their assistance.

Now that almost everyone was gone, with only the closest friends and family hanging around, she could approach Matteo and have their talk. Luna hesitated for a second once she saw just how late it actually was, but ultimately, she decided she would go to a quiet corner and wait for him to notice it was time.

He appeared on her line of vision two minutes later, an uncertain smile gracing his lips. "Hello again."

Her heart beat once, twice. "Hey. Sorry I couldn't find you earlier, I didn't want to risk it with... well, you know."

His smile turned into a slight grimace. "It was probably for the best, I've not been nearly as much on the headlines these days, so tomorrow will be bad enough without adding you to our mess." Luna very much doubted she wouldn't be added either way, but didn't mention it.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm not. These are probably the quietest months I've had in a long time, and I'm sure it's one of the reasons songwriting has been a breeze." She smiled at that, hesitatingly reaching out her hand to squeeze his.

"I'm glad. How's that going? Wrote many number ones?" Talking about his music made Matteo ease into a grin.

"I don't know, but for the first time in what feels like ever, I don't really care. It would be nice, of course, but... I'm happy knowing these songs came from what I was feeling, and I'm really proud of how they've come out, so I'm not pressuring myself into changing them to fit a number one."

She spent a good moment observing him, awed – and maybe a bit proud, too- of his words. He was happy with his music, she realized, and that made her happy too; because this Matteo carried himself a bit lighter, his smile easy, his words sincere and proud. It made him look more handsome than usual, more carefree and just... her heart did a somersault.

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