Life For Sharing

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"If we live in a different century we will share our lives with others"

We live in today's world all completely modern. All things have progressed, we glance to the right, think glance to the left, there are no different things, all are the same. Despite the differences separating the island, tribe, race, religion, continent, country. Now it's more the same as with technological advancements. Everything is very sophisticated. That difference will become increasingly invisible over time. As seconds go by, minutes, hours, hours are increasingly eroding our old age. Actually what can be expected more than that. The answer. Nothing

How old is our earth today? ,, is very old is not it. How many generations per generation have we inhabited this earth? The contents of the earth will not increase, decrease yes. The earth will decrease, every day we consume the earth. Can we return it to the original? Life continues longer. Then get what our children and grandchildren if we consume the earth greedily. We have to share. Because we live together. Together caring for the earth. Together tasting the earth.

Right now the earth's conditions are not stable. The earth is naturally angry. Bringing tantrums in all forms ranging from earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, mountains, Merapi. The earth is so patient. Tortured by irresponsible people. The impact can be on innocent people. Disrupting the balance of other lives. Can anyone use it forbid ?? God gave that gift to us. But remembering excessive is really not good.

The earth is not strong if there are many buildings that must be supported. Plants as assistance is no longer available. Mountains still exist as pegs of the earth ?? No mountain also takes a position in this matter. Take out the lava in his tantrums. Mountains also need plants as their help. Come on, we humans can move and think. We are good at processing this and that. At least we can treat it. We have been so special by being given facilities in the form of earth ,, but what ??. We are so complacent. We are greedy, greedy is a very terrible nature.

Even if I can imagine our earth tomorrow could be a stretch of barren desert ,, there is no water ,, there is no vegetation ,, urban slums, diseases infect here and there. Because natural medicines are getting fewer. Artificial medicines have many terrible side effects.

But, is there technology? Technology is not always on our side. They are also sometimes terrible with their radiation technology. They can also create haunted bodies in our bodies. That's a really terrible thing. Therefore my brother's life does need balancing so as not to be swayed.

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