Lost (A One Direction Fan Fic.)

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Sooooooo, um, this may be terrible. But the idea for this was swirling around in my head so I wrote it down.. 

It is rushed and not edited but yeah, I really want to know what you all think


If it's rubbish I won't continue.. but yeaaaah. 

Love you all.  


“Let’s go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sunn, I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s lovee. And never never nev-“

“BACK TO WORK HARRY! I DON’T CARE WHAT STUPID BOY BAND YOUR IN, THE TABLES NEED CLEANING!” My manager’s rough voice snaps me out of my daze, forcing me back into the reality of my job.

"My millions of fans don't think One Direction is stupid." I sigh, throwing a tea towel over my shoulder and pushing myself off the café counter; it was normally empty this late at night, tonight had an exception though. A girl who had been seated in the corner for hours now, a large gym back slumped over her shoulder. She looked like she was waiting for someone, I doubted they were coming now though. I watched her closely, she was beautiful.

She twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she chewed on her lips persistently. Her hair was blonde, cascading down her back. It was nice. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she pulled her knees up to her chest, hugging them tightly. Her outfit was bold to say the least, a pair of metallic gold shorts on and a sleeveless ramones shirt. Her finger nails were painted black, although at least half of the nail polish was missing on each nail, looked as if she had been chewing it off. Her head moved up, her eyes meeting mine. There was something luring about them, the large chestnut brown iris’ staring back at me. There was a warmth in them, like you could get lost in them.

I straightened up, grabbing my note pad and strolling over to her table. She looked down, staring intently at her knees, scratching the pale skin.

“You uhh, gonna order?” I asked quietly, trying my best not to sound rude. She slowly raised her head, her eyes darting around the room. Looking anywhere except at me.

“I, um, I. I don’t really have any money..” She admitted quietly, her eyes drifting to her knees once again.

“How bout I get you a drink then. You look like you could use it.” I smiled at her, watching her fumble around with her fingers.

“Really..?” She asked, her eyes finally locking with mine, a small smile on her pink lips, a dimple appearing on her left cheek.

“Yeah.” I smiled, turning on my heel and walking back to the counter. I pull open the fridge, the cool air washing over me as I grab out a pepsi. I stop by the cash register, pulling out two twenty dollar notes before heading back to her table.

“Hey blondie, catch!” I call out before throwing the bottle in her direction. Her head snaps up just in time, the bottle falling into her waiting hands.

“Thanks.. um..” She smiles, nodding as her eyes drift to my name tag. “Harry.” She finishes, opening the bottle.

“It’s nothing.” I grin, slumping down on the seat opposite of her. “So you have a giant bag, no money and you have been sitting here all day, what’s the story?” I question her. She sighs, tapping her fingers on the side of the plastic.

“Well I didn’t make my payments in time, got kicked out of my apartment.. And I was ment to stay with my friend tonight; I guess she is a no show though.” She shrugs, taking a sip of the fizzy black liquid.

“So where are you staying tonight now?” I frown, tilting my head to side. She just shrugs, shaking her head and taking another sip. “You can stay here.” I offer seriously.

“What, in the coffee shop?” She laughs, raising her eyebrows.

“Well no, upstairs in the lounge room actually. I’m renting the place while my apartment is being renovated.” She shakes her head, a smile sitting on her lips.

“You barely know me.”

“Well I know you got kicked out of your apartment, that you have sucky friends and that you need a place to stay.” I watch her face intently, smiling at her. She bites down on her bottom lip, staring me straight in the eye. The ends of her lips turn up, her dimple appearing once again as she nods.

"How do I know your not a murderer?" She asks, smirking as she licks her lip.

"I pinky promise I will not murder you." I flash her my best grin, the type my fans die for.

“Okay.” She eventually agrees, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"Okay." I repeat, a large grin stuck on my face. 

Lost (A One Direction Fan Fic.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя