Chapter 17- Playdate

Start from the beginning

I nuzzle my nose into the back of his neck. He has on that body spray that his mom probably bought him from Costco for Christmas. It's not the best, but on him it becomes my favorite.

We're being very covert, but then Tank lets out this little happy sigh. Holy shit that sound goes straight to my brain and I want to hear it again and again. I want to make it my ringtone alarm so I can wake up to it every morning and rub myself thinking of him.

A guy behind us clears his throat in a not too natural way. I back off of Tank and then turn to see that the throat clearer isn't even looking at us. This is making me so paranoid. I turn back to Tank and he stifles a laugh.

"Yo! Next!" The guy at the front of the line calls. We move forward and get the last two cars.

We go around the track a dozen times. Tank starts behind me, but then he gets me on a corner and passes me. I don't even try to pass him. He's too competitive.

I see him strain his neck trying to look back at me, but he can't. Then his competitive side goes full force and he starts passing everyone else on the track. Tank can never not try to win, even if it means leaving me behind. I don't care. He's having fun and that's all I want.

He finishes in first place. I didn't want to be rude and pass the kid in front of me so I'm in dead last. Our moms are waiting at the exit and Mrs. Kempton looks a little more relaxed.

"See?" Mom says when we walk out. "No one gets pregnant on a go-kart."

I look at her in horror, but she just laughs and then Mrs. Kempton laughs and then Tank and I follow.

"I know. I know! This wasn't even my rule, Lisa. But his father..." Mrs. Kempton starts.

"It's fine," my mom laughs and cuts her off. 

She puts her hand on Mrs. Kempton's arm. "It's fine, Sybil. I was just teasing you!"

I give her a grateful smile. She knows how to push her friend and then reel her back in.

"How about we golf?" Tank offers.

"Sure, sweetie. That will be fun," Mrs. Kempton agrees.

We head over to the ticket area for the mini-golf. 

Right as we step up to the booth though, my mom takes a step and falls into Mrs Kempton.

"Oh! Ankle!" Mom yells and clutches Mrs. Kempton's arm with both hands.

"Oh, Lisa! Are you ok? What happened, honey?" Tank's mom takes the bait.

I know my mom's injury scream. This is not it. My mom has this horrific yell when she gets hurt or surprised. It's why my dad stopped pranking her years ago.

"Just need to sit down. That bench right there. Help me will you, Sybil? You boys go ahead and play. I need to sit." Mom makes a big show and it works. She doesn't let go of Mrs. Kempton.

They hobble over towards the bench and mom turns to flash me a tiny smile. Tank looks at me with his mouth agape.

"Did she just...." He asks.

"Did your mom fall for it?" I laugh.

"She's a nice lady and she idolizes your mom." Tank shrugs like he needs to defend his mom here.

"No... I know. I didn't mean that... Should we play?" I nudge him towards the golf ticket booth.

We get our putters and set sail on the high greens. As soon as we're out of their eyesight we pretty much forget about the game and just put balls while talking.

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