Chapter Two

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It was an uneventful day for Sebastian.

The days after a big movie premiere like Captain America: Civil War were always boring in comparison to the gigantic press tour he had been on less than a week before. A week ago he had attended a dinner party at Robert Downey Jr.'s gigantic mansion in LA but now he was back home in New York.

In his two bedroom apartment, drinking a beer by himself as he watched some boring reality television show that he had never seen before and could care less about. The point was that Sebastian was overwhelmingly bored.

The Romanian-American actor had already finished filming a couple of indie projects and he still had a little less than a year before he was due back to film the new Avengers movie. There was absolutely nothing on Sebastian's agenda for the next amount of months. Not until something else came along, at least.

These were the days, sometimes weeks or months, that Sebastian hated the most.

The days of not knowing when your next job was going to come.

Don't get him wrong.

Sebastian was doing more than well and he knew he was fortunate because most actors couldn't get work at all but it was just boring sitting around while waiting for the next thing to come along. He imagined there were certain actors that didn't have to wait around at all but Sebastian still hadn't reached that point yet.

Sebastian thought it might be different if he was like Anthony who had a wife and kids. Anthony never minded having time off because he had a family to go back home to. Still...the thought of getting married and having children terrified him. He didn't know why because he was thirty three, almost thirty four, but maybe that was why. He didn't think about those things for so long and now that he was in his thirties, he was realizing that he wasn't getting any younger. All his friends were married with kids of their own.

Well...except for Chris.

Sebastian just supposed that he and Chris were both the only ones in their group of friends that weren't married and who didn't have children. A couple of miserable old men. Probably not too different from their characters in the MCU, after all.

The actor was then interrupted from both his thoughts and the mindless reality show he was watching by his phone ringing. He was sad to say that he probably reached for his phone a little too quickly in the midst of all his boredom, setting his beer down on the probably too expensive coffee table one of his exes bought for him and he was too lazy to get rid of. Sebastian felt his heart skip a beat as he saw the picture of his agent on his phone. He waited a few seconds before answering because he didn't want to seem too eager.

Sebastian took a deep breath before finally answering.

"Emily?" Sebastian said into the phone, deeply anticipating whatever job that Emily might have for him.

"Hey, Seb," Emily greeted cheerfully. "I'm just calling to check up on you. How are you after that massive press tour? It looked exhausting."

Sebastian felt a bit disappointed that she was only checking up on him and apparently not with any potential new roles for him. He knew he should be appreciative that Emily cared enough to check up on him but the disappointment about no film roles was a bit inevitable.

"I'm good. Thanks," Sebastian answered her. "I'm just catching up on some sleep. Hitting the gym. Life as usual."

Sebastian knew he sounded more like was trying to reassure her that he was alright instead of making simple conversation.

"Good...that's good," Emily told him before she paused for a moment and finally spoke, bringing something else to attention. "Okay, so the real reason I called you was actually because something really interesting came up."

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