Chapter 3: The average night?

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"Have you lived here all your life?" Cole questions, circling his fingers around the glass cup on the table in front of him.

"Yeah," I pause, unsure. Rising up from my seat slightly and tucking my leg underneath my bottom, I slowly sit again, feeling comfortable.

Comfortability, is a feeling I've been having since the walk home with Cole this afternoon, but the pure sense of regret I would feel hours after telling him feels certain. "Kind of."

"Kind of?" He questions, once again.

"It's complicated." I sigh.

"That's the story of my life." He grins cheekily.

I glare gently at him. "Please tell me you didn't just use a One Direction a pun."

"I am not ashamed!" He exclaims, "I do want I want! You can't control me!"

I giggle.

"What about you?" I question, "Why would you move here now? Why Adelaide?"

"Like I said," He turns serious, " Complicated."

I nod in understanding.

"So what does this Brittany Sanders have against you?" Cole questions, changing the topic.

I laugh, "Probably not a story I should tell you without knowing you." I breathe. " It's not very pretty."

"Got it." He grins, "Promise when you know 5 things about me I get the goss?"

"Goss?" I giggle, "Who says that?"

"Me." He laughs and sticks out his hand placing it onto the table. "Now promise."

"5 personal things." I sigh and link his pinky finger with mine.


"Thank you for an average night." I tell Cole as we sit in his car outside my house.

"Average?" He gasps dramatically, placing his hand over his beating heart. "That hurts my feelings."

"Well my apologies." I giggle, "But I have to go, it's late."

"Bye." He grins, "I'll see you Monday."

Unbucking my seatbelt, I smile, open the door and slowly make my way up the drive way of my house.

It felt so odd to be doing this when the sun wasn't out, and I didn't have my school bag strapped to my back. It also felt odd to know that someone was watching me after dropping me off to make sure I got inside safely. It gave me an odd feeling in my stomach that I'd never felt before.

After pulling my keys from my pocket and opening the front door I was surprised to see all the house lights turned off because it was only 10.

My parents were never asleep this early.

Making my way through the old hall way after locking the front door, I arrived in the kitchen where I switched on the light and my eyes caught the attention of a piece of written on paper.


Dad and I are out tonight, be home tomorrow afternoon, money on the counter for dinner, love you x.


I sighed in relief.

I wouldn't be questioned on my where abouts all night because they were unaware of my absense.

After scrunching up the used paper, it was disposed in the bin, the money placed in my pocket and a bottle of water was collected from the fridge as I made my way up the stairs and into my room.

-rushed & not edited sorry

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