Prologue-[PART 2]-

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My eyes burst open. My breathing is heavy, and my body is in unmanageable, agonizing pain.

The back of my head burns and the recognizable pain of multiple bruises in my abdomen runs through my body as a reminder of my mistakes.

My hands that lay on my stomach are thrown either side of me while my digits try to grasp the material that lay beneath me, the material with no life. The material which is in the same state as the way I feel. Lifeless. But I am not. I am alive.

My eyes search the room desperately in panic. And seconds later I let out a small sigh of relief when I realise where my body is, and where I lie.

I push my weight slowly onto my weak, shaking hands and groan softly in pain again but and manage to rotate my body into a standing position and let melted ice packs that lay on my body fall to the floor. I take a few seconds to compose myself, preparing myself for any other encounters along the way for a glass of water in the kitchen, that I desperately seek because of the dry burning in my throat and my cracked lips.

I hear the sound of heavy, fast footsteps in those few seconds I could have made my way out of my bedroom door. I hold my breath, my heart skipping a beat and my fingers unknowingly cross at my sides tightly in hope that the door in front of me will remain closed.

Soon enough the footsteps fade and a few seconds later a door slams in the distance, however I still seem to be stuck of the floor boards beside my bed. My body feels as though it's frozen solid. Like an ice cube in a freezer.

The heavy beat of my heart, starts once again, the deep breaths my body needs to be taking and the weakness of my bones take over my senses. And I seem to let my body take over my mind and once again am consumed by darkness.


Once again I wake up. Lying on the hard ground, my back cramped, my body bruised and sore.

I bring my hand that liee next to me and place it under my heavy head. Slowly I manage to take a few deep breaths.

I lay there for what seems like hours but could have quite possibly been a few minutes before I sigh and begin to stand. I take in sharp, deep breaths every time a pain strikes my body to relive the pain.

Limping to the door, my floor boards creak under my sudden foot steps. I grasp the cold, metal, door knob and turn it slowly to be relieved when no sounds escapes.

Hurriedly I walk through the hallway to quickly stop at the stairs.

Breathing heavy no,  I grasp the thick railing in my frail palms, slowly taking the first step followed by many more until my feet hit the rough, old, carpet at the bottom.

The only sound I hear apart from the disturbance of silence to my left of running water, is my bare feet that slide across the carpeted floor as I make my way into the kitchen.

Standing at the door frame my eyes take in my mother standing over the kitchen sink breathing very heavily as she continuously splashes hand fulls of water onto her red face.

(Not edited, updated)

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