Chapter 4; Meeting mum

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"El, sweetie." My mother whispers, shaking my uncovered shoulder with her cold hand. "Sweetie, wake up."

I groan.

"Honey come on, this is no time for games." She shakes me again. Pulling my bed blue bed cover slightly from my upper body. "Get up."

I sigh slightly, completely exhausted.

"I'm up," I croak, "I'm awake. What is it?" I open one eye slowly, pushing her arm slightly away from me to slowly grab my blanket back again, fulling covering my now cold body. "What mum?"

"Get up quickly, you'll be late for school." She says, stands fully and straightening out her dress.

She must of just got home I figured.

"Mum." I groan, covering my face with the back of my hand. "It's Saturday. I don't have school." I mumble.

"Oh." She states flatly. "Well... don't you have friends that you're meeting up with today?" She questions hopefully.


"Oh." She sighs. "Well... what are your plans for today then?"

"To stay home and do my homework." I say.

"Why didn't you do it last night?" She questions, slowly sitting on the edge of my bed. "You always do homework on fridays."

"Oh." It's my turn to sigh. "I meant just finish it." I lie. "They gave me a fair bit this weekend, I couldn't finish it."

It wasn't a complete lie. I did have a lot.

"Well in that case, I'll give you $50 and you can go to the shops." She chirps, "have a free day. You're my little girl afterall, you deserve a treat."

"Thanks mum, but no thanks. I think I'll just stay here." I say.

"No, no." She rushes. "Y-you can't. I'm having a cleaner come today. It'd be better if you were out so they can get it done." She shutters.

"O.K.?" I sigh. "I'll go later."

"No. She's coming soon. You have to go now." She states quickly.

I nod slowly, "Fine. I'll have a shower in a few." I stare at her oddly.

What is her problem?

She sighs in relief. "Very good. I'll leave you to it." She then stands and exits the room.

That was strange, I think to myself.


A little time later, after I've showered, done all my nessasaries and is ready to leave for the day, I start to make my way down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Mum." I call as I make my way down the hallway, "Are you in here?" I question as I make my way through the kitchen doorway.

Again, there's a note on the counter.

Sweetie, dad's asleep upstairs so don't wake him. Just went out to get some groceries but I left some money on the counter.
Love you, have a good day.

Mum xxx

I sigh. She rarely ever tells me anything without telling me over a piece of paper or text message.

Shrugging, I place the money in my back jean pocket quickly and grab my phone off the counter where I placed it seconds ago.

While scrunching up the paper and throwing it into the bin I make my way to the front door.

My shoes are slipped on, over my old socks and my jacket is tied around my curved hips.

After a few moments I sigh, " I'm going to have so much homework tomorrow." I sigh to myself. "I'm so stupid."

Dismissing the though from my mind for the day I open the front door, feeling the cool air against my cheeks refreshes me and I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I don't remember how long I was standing there. In the middle of the open front door, but the thing I do remember is the sound of a door upstairs opening, and fast, heaving footsteps making their way towards the stairs.

The thing I do remember, is me slamming the door quickly as I ran, as fast as I can, across the lawn, down the street and as far and fast away from my house as I possibly can.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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